
Das Hilti Fellowship bietet exzellenten Studierenden die Möglichkeit, ein Semester lang Teil eines internationalen Projektteams bei der Hilti AG zu werden und gleichzeitig Vorlesungen und Seminare im Masterstudiengang Wirtschaftsinformatik an der Universität Liechtenstein zu besuchen. Es richtet sic...

Kategorie: News

Under the slogan: “Human Practice, Digital Ecologies, Our Future.” the 14th international Conference on Wirtschaftsinformatik took place in Siegen from 24th to 27th of February. Martin Schymanietz and Matthias Förster from WI1 contributed the research fields “IT Management and Strategy” and “Busines...

Kategorie: News

Our research project BigDieMo was represented this week with its own booth at the Integrated Plant Engineering Conference (IPEC) 2019 in Nuremberg. The event was organized by the CCI Nuremberg c/o Automation Valley Nordbayern with technical expertise from VDI Bayern Nordost & VDE Nordbayern. Th...

Kategorie: News