Dr. Marcus Kölling
Dr. Marcus Kölling
Marcus Kölling was born in Minden on June 25, 1973. The family man has three children aged between two months and six years.
After completing a dual program at Baden-Wuerttemberg Cooperative State University Stuttgart (DHWB), he received a degree in business administration (Diplom-Kaufmann) from HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management. In 2004, Marcus Kölling obtained his doctoral degree from the Vienna University of Economics and Business (WU) with his dissertation on intercultural knowledge management in eastern and western Germany. He worked as a lecturer and research associate at the Europainstitut of WU Vienna.
In 2006, Kölling returned to Leipzig and HHL to establish CLIC, the Center for Leading Innovation and Cooperation, as its director. CLIC is an academic think tank in the field of innovation. Together with partners from now over 60 companies, it developed and carried out various joint research initiatives.
In March 2011, Dr. Marcus Kölling assumed leadership of the family-run Kölling Group. The group specializes in manufacturing, selling and offering services around glass and glass insulation products. A total of 220 employees work for the group which dates back to the year 1947. In June 2018, Dr. Marcus Kölling stepped down from the management of the Kölling Group.
On July 1, 2018, Dr. Marcus Kölling will assume the position of Chancellor and CFO of HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management.