Dr. Nivedita Agarwal
Dr. Nivedita Agarwal
Nivedita Agarwal is a senior researcher at the Chair of Information Systems, Innovation and Value Creation, at the Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU), Germany. Her research interests are in the fields of Open Innovation, Frugal & Social Innovation, Social Entrepreneurship and Corporate Sustainability.
She completed her PhD from Otto Friedrich University of Bamberg and her dissertation topic was “Innovation Landscape in Developed and Developing Markets: A conceptual and empirical study on technology convergence and low cost innovations”. She is an engineer at the core and also has more than five years of industry experience in consulting and marketing domain. She has reviewed and published articles in several peer reviewed academic journals such as the Journal of Business Research, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management and International Journal of Technology Management and is an associate editor of International Journal of Entrepreneurial Venturing.