(Gen)AI based digital assistance systems and organizational innovation

The offered thesis topic evolves around GenAI, AI based digital assistance systems (DAS) and organizational innovation. The detailed content and topic will be clarified during a one-on-one meeting.

Potential research questions:

  • What are key principles/antecedents for AI to foster organizational innovation?
  • How can organizations leverage (Gen)AI digital assistance systems (DAS) to boost organizational innovation?

Potential methods:

  • Systematic Literature Review (SLR)
  • Case Studies (Interviews)

If you are interested in this topic or variations around this topic, please contact Layla Hajjam-Demir (layla.hajjam@fau.de) and make sure to follow the guidelines for thesis applications on our chair’s website (https://www.wi1.rw.fau.de/thesis-offerings/).