Three research papers by/with authors of Wi1 published in Procedia CIRP


Since the thematic complex of digitization involves a large number of research domains, especially transdisciplinary research activities lead to promising and valuable results. Therefore, Wi1 addresses besides its core community of information systems further research communities, e.g. engineering. In this context, three papers by/with authors of Wi1 were published in the journal Procedia CIRP. These cover the following topics:

Cyber-physical modeling and simulation: A reference architecture for designing demonstrators for industrial cyber-physical systems

Industry 4.0 involves many stakeholders with different and sometimes conflicting expectations from and attitudes towards new technologies and working practices. Demonstrators proof to be very useful to resolve these conflicts and to elaborate a common understanding and stakeholder consensus. Therefore, the concept of “cyber-physical modeling and simulation” is introduced which builds the foundation for a reference architecture for designing demonstrators for industrial cyber-physical systems. The reference architecture provides the capability to design and utilize demonstrators according to companies’ individual objectives and application scenarios. The paper is authored by Sascha Julian Oks, Max Jalowski, Albrecht Fritzsche and Kathrin M. Möslein.


Facilitating collaborative design: a toolkit for integrating persuasive technologies in design activities

Motivation of the participants is an important factor in collaborative design processes. The paper by Max Jalowski, Albrecht Fritzsche and Kathrin M. Möslein therefore investigates how persuasive technologies can be used in such processes in order to increase the participants’ motivation. Combining three different perspectives discussed in current literature, this paper presents a toolkit to support the creation and integration of persuasive technologies in collaborative design processes.


Platform-based service composition for manufacturing: A conceptualization

How to align a multitude of isolated industrial services in digitized production networks? Addressing this question, the paper authored by a joint FAU research team of FAPS and Wi1 consisting of Jonathan Fuchs, Sascha Julian Oks and Jörg Franke propose a conceptualization of a platform-based system architecture enabling value-adding service bundles based on and extending proven architectural styles. Moreover, it aims on qualifying communication systems to work transboundary in value-adding network.
