Research Focus: Digital Innovation
The research stream “Digital Innovation” at Wi1 looks in depth at the way digitization allows for, drives or hinders innovation. We are especially interested in intangible innovations, like the innovation of services, systems or social settings and the practices, processes and platforms that enable new forms of value creation in these contexts. Typical questions we try to answer are:
- How will big-data drive new digital service business-models?
- How can toolkits support new forms of co-creation and personalization?
- What kinds of tools and platforms are needed to support innovators in the digital age?
We, thus, strive to provide the knowledge and tools needed for leading innovation and transformation.
Research Projects
Funding source: Industrie
Project leader:
'Innovation Leadership & Business Management Executive Education' (EIT Health 2016Camp224) is a project with partners from six European countries focused on fostering excellence and innovation in health care and business management executive education. The project is funded within the Campus program of EIT Health.
Funding source: BMBF / Verbundprojekt
Project leader: ,
VeSiKi ist das wissenschaftliche Begleitforschungsprojekt zu dem Forschungsprogramm IT-Sicherheit Kritischer Infrastrukturen. Es beschäftigt sich mit neuen, übergreifenden Ansätzen zur Beurteilung der IT-Sicherheit Kritischer Infrastrukturen, erarbeitet Verbesserungsvorschläge für bestehende technische sowie etablierte Prozesse, begleitet die Verbundprojekte und koordiniert die Zusammenarbeit.
Weite Bereiche des gesellschaftlichen und wirtschaftlichen Lebens hängen von s…
Funding source: Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF)
Project leader:
The project S-CPS aims to identify and analyze productivity relevant factors for service operations to allow effective and efficient maintenance, by respecting local and technical conditions. Therefore a resource cockpit is developed, which brings together data streams of several heterogeneous production resources relevant for the mobile workforce to provide remote support for service operations. The resource cockpit will increase the maintenance and repair efficiency in manufacturing. The research focus is to shed light on the collaboration of cyber-physical systems and people. The project is part of the overall initiative “Industry 4.0”.
Funding source: Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Technologie (BMWi)
Project leader:
In IIP-Ecosphere, we develop an ecosystem to reduce obstacles in the implementation of Artificial Intelligence (AI) applications in production and its related processes with the aim to foster intelligent production systems. A framework will be established for
- the unconstrained introduction of AI applications in SMEs
- new, AI-driven services and data exchange
- true AI-driven process chains
- cooperation of diverse stakeholders
- increased compatibility of systems
Funding source: Industrie
Project leader:
The main objective of the project “Digitization of the central transfer procedure for temporary employment” is the evaluation of a software that enables the digital admission process of temporary contract workers. Within this project the functionality of the interfaces, in particular with regard to the impact of digitization on safety and health at work, economic efficiency, the time required and the transparency of the provided software solution are being evaluated. The research project focuses on how the new software influences different work practices in a day to day environment. It distinguishes between the tasks of the company that receives the temporary contractors and the agency that provides the contractors.
Funding source: BMBF / Verbundprojekt
Project leader: ,
The project BigDieMo develops tools for the creation and implementation of Big Data services for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SME’s). To achieve this, BigDieMo aims to empower SME’s to expand their current portfolio by using a methodical toolbox for the development of Big Data services and the according data based service business models. This toolbox will be developed in close collaboration with our partners from the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), the University of Hamburg and…
Funding source: Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF)
Project leader:
Das VRPE-Projekt zielt darauf ab, die vorhandenen regionalen Kapazitäten zu stärken, um Forschungsergebnisse für die Entscheidungsfindung im Bereich des Klimawandels und des angepassten Landmanagements durch die Entwicklung von Arbeitskraft und Bereitstellung von Dienstleistungen zu generieren und zu nutzen. Dabei soll ein dauerhaftes Netzwerk von Universitäten und anderen Forschungseinrichtungen geschaffen werden. Hauptziel ist es, auf Basis aktueller wissenschaftlicher Methoden und Technologien inn…
Related Publications
Simplifying Solution Space: A Multiple Case study on 3D Printing Toolkits (accepted for publication)
ECIS - European Conference on Information Systems (Istanbul, 12. June 2016 - 15. June 2016) , , :
Learning to speak “digital” – how industry applies cyber-physical design concepts in new systems implementations
Information Systems Foundations Workshop: Theorising Digital Innovation (Canberra, 15. September 2016 - 15. September 2016) , :
Towards the Design of a Persuasive Technology for Encouraging Collaborative Prototyping
Personalization in Persuasive Technology , , :
Innovation practices and their boundary-crossing mechanisms: a review and proposals for the future
In: Technology Analysis & Strategic Management 24 (2012), p. 181–217
ISSN: 0953-7325
DOI: 10.1080/09537325.2012.647647 , , :
Discontinuous Innovation: Learning to Manage the Unexpected
London: 2013
ISBN: 9781848167803
DOI: 10.1142/p803
URL: , , , , (ed.):