Sascha Julian Oks

Dr. Sascha Julian Oks

Postdoctoral Researcher

School of Business, Economics and Society
Chair of Information Systems I, Innovation and Value Creation (Prof. Dr. Möslein)

Room: Room 5.425
Lange Gasse 20
90403 Nürnberg

Sascha Julian Oks graduated from University of Bayreuth and Stellenbosch University, South Africa, with a Master of Science in business administration. His research and teaching focuses on the effects of the digital transformation on industrial value creation with an emphasis on industrial cyber-physical systems. The research activities are orientated towards the questions of how cyber-physical systems change organizational processes, services and personnel roles and how these can be aligned. In several design-oriented studies, together with colleagues, Sascha Julian Oks has built web-tools and the Industry 4.0 demonstrator “PID4CPS” to support organizations in the implementation of their digitization strategies systematically. Together with his co-founder, Dr. Max Jalowski, he has transferred these research results and artifacts into the FAU spin-off QuartRevo. He is the CEO of this start-up. The development of innovative business models for SMEs based on cyber-physical systems is another interest of him. Furthermore, he has conducted research in the field of open innovation in the medical technology industry. Besides his academic and business-oriented work, he serves as an instructor for leadership in the rank of a Kapitänleutnant (OF-2) at the German Naval Academy Marineschule Mürwik.

The title of his dissertation is:

Industrial Cyber-Physical Systems – Advancing Industry 4.0 from Vision to Application
