Matthäus Wilga

Matthäus Wilga, M.Sc., M.Sc.

Research Associate and Doctoral Student

School of Business, Economics and Society
Chair of Information Systems I, Innovation and Value Creation (Prof. Dr. Möslein)

Room: Room 5.429
Lange Gasse 20
90403 Nürnberg

Office hours

nach Vereinbarung

Matthäus Wilga earned a Master (M.Sc.) in International Business with a specialization in strategy and innovation from Maastricht University School of Business and Economics as well as an International Master (M.Sc.) in Management from Nova School of Business Economics in Lisbon / Portugal. As an undergraduate, he studied International Relations and Management at the University of Applied Sciences in Regensburg, where he focused on business, international politics as well as culture studies, and gained international experience at the Novia University of Applied Sciences in Turku / Finland.

He gained international practical experience in multinational corporations like ProsiebenSat.1 Media or Philips, in the start-up context and as a freelance consultant in the manufacturing sector. His research will concentrate on business models and strategy in the context of artificial intelligence and data-driven business opportunities.




  • IIP-Ecosphere - Next Level Ecosphere for Intelligent Industrial Production

    (Third Party Funds Single)

    Term: 1. January 2020 - 30. September 2023
    Funding source: Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Technologie (BMWi)

    In IIP-Ecosphere, we develop an ecosystem to reduce obstacles in the implementation of Artificial Intelligence (AI) applications in production and its related processes with the aim to foster intelligent production systems. A framework will be established for

    • the unconstrained introduction of AI applications in SMEs
    • new, AI-driven services and data exchange
    • true AI-driven process chains
    • cooperation of diverse stakeholders
    • increased compatibility of systems

    The “Chair of Information Systems, Innovation and Value Creation” primarily leverages its expertise in the areas of innovation, stakeholder integration, service systems engineering and business model design to support this undertaking. During the project, researcher of the chair are mainly responsible for the development of business models accompanying AI utilization and support in innovation.

  • Digital services as a success factor for the future of value creation

    (Third Party Funds Single)

    Term: 1. August 2019 - 31. March 2025
    Funding source: Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF)

    Digital Transformation as a core driver influences service offerings and business models, as well as organisation, collaboration and forms of human labour. The ability to shape digital services has the potential to be a key competence in this new idea of value creation. There is already a trend of technical innovations like Artificial Intelligence (AI) or the Internet of Things (IoT) being applied in digital services. More over, digitalisation offers new ways of interaction between provider and user in addition to the possibility of co-creating services. 

    The research project “DL2030” identifies major R&D requirements and approaches to address these. The focus is thereby on technology orientated service systems with high customer value. These systems lead the way towards a competitive German economy. By these measures, the position of service research as a stand-alone scientific field is strengthened. Strategic research directions, potentials and requirements are enforced. The research roadmap, created during the project, is a foundational element for future research emphases in service research.   With these goals DL2030 is also supporting the High-Tech-Strategy 2025 of the German government.  

  • Orchestrating services – Development and piloting in service ecosystems

    (Third Party Funds Group – Sub project)

    Overall project: Service orchestration - development and piloting in ecosystems
    Term: 1. January 2024 - 31. December 2026
    Funding source: Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF)

    The research project SHAPE aspires to foster data-driven service innovations, which offer substantial benefits for the transformation and resilience of the German economy. Customer-specific, data-driven services increasingly require the cooperation of several actors, who have the required know-how, methodological expertise and resources. As a result, value co-creation is increasingly taking place in ecosystems. Hence, during the project period, the SHAPE hub is to be developed as a vehicle to orchestrate actors and resources and provide them with a set of methods that they can use for data-driven service innovations in ecosystems. The aim is to develop scalable approaches for establishing service ecosystems for SMEs, public institutions and other stakeholders.

  • Participative codetermination in digitized labour

    (Third Party Funds Group – Overall project)

    Term: 1. October 2017 - 30. September 2019
    Funding source: Stiftungen