Research Focus: ICPS
Cyber-physical systems (CPS) are the foundation of pioneering visions and scenarios of the future. Thus, CPS are expected to have an impact in various domains such as mobility, healthcare, logistics, industrial production and further more. Especially in the industrial application field of “Industry 4.0” industrial cyber-physical systems revolutionize the processes and procedures of value creation. The Chair for Information Systems I – Innovation & Value Creation anticipates this topic with its research and projects. In cooperation with partners form academia and the business community, our team develops and pilots methods and artifacts for digitized value creation in application-oriented research projects.
Research Projects
Funding source: Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF)
Project leader: , ,
Unternehmen entwickeln im Kontext von Industrie 4.0 neuartige, digitale Produkte und anwendungsspezifische Dienstleistungen, die bspw. die Fehlervorhersage oder Prognosen im Zusammenhang mit Wartungstätigkeiten von Anlagen ermöglichen oder automatisiert Arbeitspläne für Maschinen und Menschen optimieren. Diese Dienstleistungen sind in den meisten Fällen für einen solchen, isolierten Anwendungsfall vorgesehen und erlauben selten eine integrative Nutzung über diesen speziellen Einsatzzweck hinweg…
Funding source: Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF)
Project leader:
The project S-CPS aims to identify and analyze productivity relevant factors for service operations to allow effective and efficient maintenance, by respecting local and technical conditions. Therefore a resource cockpit is developed, which brings together data streams of several heterogeneous production resources relevant for the mobile workforce to provide remote support for service operations. The resource cockpit will increase the maintenance and repair efficiency in manufacturing. The research focus is to shed light on the collaboration of cyber-physical systems and people. The project is part of the overall initiative “Industry 4.0”.
Project leader:
Related Publications
Cyber-physical modeling and simulation: A reference architecture for designing demonstrators for industrial cyber-physical systems
In: Procedia CIRP 84 (2019), p. 257-264
ISSN: 2212-8271
DOI: 10.1016/j.procir.2019.04.239
URL: , , , :
Platform-based service composition for manufacturing: A conceptualization
In: Procedia CIRP 81 (2019), p. 541-546
ISSN: 2212-8271
DOI: 10.1016/j.procir.2019.03.152
URL: , , :
More than new technical devices: a semiotic look at the digital transformation of industry
Forum on Philosophy, Engineering & Technology (fPET) (Berwyn, 30. May 2018 - 1. June 2018) , :
An Application Map for Industrial Cyber-Physical Systems
In: Sabina Jeschke, Christian Brecher, Houbing Song, Danda B. Rawat (ed.): Industrial Internet of Things – Cybermanufacturing Systems, Switzerland: Springer International Publishing, 2017, p. 21-46 (Springer Series in Wireless Technology)
ISBN: 978-3-319-42558-0
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-42559-7_2
URL: , , :
Die vernetzte Instandhaltung im Kontext von Industrie 4.0 – Perspektiven für die Arbeit der Zukunft
Praxiswissenschaftsdialog Arbeiten 4.0: Vernetzte Prozesse und Assistenzsysteme in der Praxis (Frankfurt, 29. June 2017 - 29. June 2017) :