Research Focus: Service Systems
The research stream “Service Systems” at Wi1 focusses on exploring, designing, engineering and evaluating systemic service innovations. Our research focuses on stakeholder integration, co-creation and value appropriation in complex service systems. Typical questions we try to answer are:
- What are the appropriate mechanisms to integrate stakeholders in service systems?
- How can we manage and support productivity in complex service settings?
- Which tools are needed to facilitate value co-creation in online and offline settings
With prototyping and design science research we, thus, esp. contribute to the development of the field of service systems engineering.
Research Projects
Funding source: BMBF / Verbundprojekt
Project leader: ,
The project “Smarte Dienstleistungsfabrik” SmartDiF aims to create the smart service factory of the future. Value contribution and value creation out of available and arising smart data resources in industry clouds characterize the main focus of the research activities. Together with SCHAEFFLER, SIEMENS, the Fraunhofer IIS - Center for Applied Research on Supply Chain Services SCS, as well as additional partners, the foundations for an evidence-based service engineering get developed.
Funding source: BMBF / Verbundprojekt
Project leader:
While the introduction of new software, many companies are facing an underutilization, frustration of users, the miss of actually expected effects or do not reach the expected organizational change explained. The reason for this is often in the top-down planning software implementation, in which the demands and needs of users are not sufficiently addressed.
Exactly at this point is where the joint project ExTEND and has to be integrated as a target, by means of bottom-up initiatives with…
Funding source: BMBF / Verbundprojekt
Project leader: ,
The project BigDieMo develops tools for the creation and implementation of Big Data services for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SME’s). To achieve this, BigDieMo aims to empower SME’s to expand their current portfolio by using a methodical toolbox for the development of Big Data services and the according data based service business models. This toolbox will be developed in close collaboration with our partners from the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), the University of Hamburg and…
Funding source: Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF)
Project leader: , ,
Unternehmen entwickeln im Kontext von Industrie 4.0 neuartige, digitale Produkte und anwendungsspezifische Dienstleistungen, die bspw. die Fehlervorhersage oder Prognosen im Zusammenhang mit Wartungstätigkeiten von Anlagen ermöglichen oder automatisiert Arbeitspläne für Maschinen und Menschen optimieren. Diese Dienstleistungen sind in den meisten Fällen für einen solchen, isolierten Anwendungsfall vorgesehen und erlauben selten eine integrative Nutzung über diesen speziellen Einsatzzweck hinweg…
Funding source: Industrie
Project leader: ,
Funding source: Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF)
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The project S-CPS aims to identify and analyze productivity relevant factors for service operations to allow effective and efficient maintenance, by respecting local and technical conditions. Therefore a resource cockpit is developed, which brings together data streams of several heterogeneous production resources relevant for the mobile workforce to provide remote support for service operations. The resource cockpit will increase the maintenance and repair efficiency in manufacturing. The research focus is to shed light on the collaboration of cyber-physical systems and people. The project is part of the overall initiative “Industry 4.0”.
Funding source: Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF)
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Digital Transformation as a core driver influences service offerings and business models, as well as organisation, collaboration and forms of human labour. The ability to shape digital services has the potential to be a key competence in this new idea of value creation. There is already a trend of technical innovations like Artificial Intelligence (AI) or the Internet of Things (IoT) being applied in digital services. More over, digitalisation offers new ways of interaction between provider and…
Funding source: Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF)
Project leader: ,
Funding source: Industrie
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Funding source: Industrie
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Funding source: Industrie
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Funding source: Industrie
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Funding source: Industrie
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Funding source: Stiftungen
Project leader: ,
The project 'Cooperatives in the Digital Age' (CoDi) investigates challenges and opportunities of the increasing digitization of industry and society from the perspective of cooperative banks. The ongoing digitization enables incumbent firms as well as start-ups to create new products, services, and business models. The project addresses the question how cooperative banks can remain true to their traditions and cooperative principles and, at the same time, profit from technological developments that help them better meet the needs of their members and customers.
Funding source: Bayerisches Staatsministerium für Wirtschaft und Medien, Energie und Technologie (StMWIVT) (ab 10/2013)
Project leader: ,
JOSEPHS® - Die Service Manufaktur is a project with the Fraunhofer IIS - Center for Applied Research on Supply Chain Services SCS. This open shop in downtown Nuremberg invites visitors to co-create the future of services and products. This project focuses on researching about how customers actively participate in innovation for goods and products, about how firms learn from working together with customers in direct interaction and about how experiments with prototyping and innovation tools can lead to further development of the latter.
Funding source: Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft
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Funding source: andere Förderorganisation
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Funding source: Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft
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Funding source: Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF)
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Das Projekt "SmartHaPSSS - "Harmonisierung der Entwicklung von komplexen Produkt-Smart-Service-Systemen bei KMU" hat zum Ziel, einzelne Aktivitäten der Entwicklung komplexer Produkt-Mart-Dienstleistungssysteme in KMU miteinander in Resonanz zu bringen, um gemeinsame Bezugspunkte im Innovationsprozess zu schaffen. In diesem Zuge werden die Produktentwicklung und die Entwicklung von Smart Services in Einklang gebracht und an gemeinsamen Zielen ausgerichtet. Die Nachhaltigkeitsorientierung der en…
Funding source: Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF)
Project leader:
The increasing spread of digital technologies creates new opportunities for companies to design customer-oriented offers from products and services by using digital data. Such so-called smart product service systems (smart PSS) offer added value specifically to offering companies, as they enable a direct response to individual customer needs and long-term customer loyalty. By creating additional environmental and social benefits, smart PSSs can also help promote sustainability.
However, the development of smart PSS is complex, as challenges of product development, service development as well as digital technologies have to be mastered in parallel. Small and medium-sized enterprises in particular are currently unable to cope with these complexities, which is due in particular to the following challenges identified in the project:
- Lack of methods
- Different understanding of added value
- Coordination across departmental and company boundaries
The project "SmartHaPSSS - "Harmonisation of the development of complex product smart service systems for SMEs" aims to bring the individual activities in the development of complex smart PSS in SMEs into resonance with each other in order to create common points of reference in the innovation process. The sustainability-oriented nature of the solutions developed is to be increased without restricting the dynamics of the individual activities. In this regard the product development and the development of smart services are to be harmonized and aligned to common goals. The "SmartHaPSSS" project forms a further component of "Innovations for tomorrow's production, services and work".
Funding source: Siemens AG
Project leader:
The research project ‘Siemens Service Factory’ accompanies the development of the IT service framework at Siemens AG. The aim is to ensure development quality and structure the development of new IT services at Siemens AG. The Chair of Information Systems, Innovation & Value Creation, provides methodological and conceptual support in the development of the service framework and regularly provides impulses for the implementation of the IT service framework as well as for the subsequent embedding of this framework in the context of the strategic goals of Siemens AG. A holistic approach is pursued, taking into account the entire IT service development process, in order to ensure long-term and continuously structured IT service development processes.
Funding source: Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF)
Project leader:
SHAPE zielt darauf ab, skalierbare Ansätze zur Etablierung von Dienstleistungsökosystemen für KMU,
öffentliche Einrichtungen und andere Akteure zu entwickeln. Dies beinhaltet die iterative und
datenbasierte Entwicklung von Dienstleistungsinnovationen, die flexible Ressourcenallokation, die
Anpassung der Akteursbeziehungen und die digitale Transformation dieser Ökosysteme. Durch den
Aufbau einer Hub-Struktur und die Einbindung von Multiplikatoren sollen diese Ansätze digital
Funding source: Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF)
Project leader: ,
The research project SHAPE aspires to foster data-driven service innovations, which offer substantial benefits for the transformation and resilience of the German economy. Customer-specific, data-driven services increasingly require the cooperation of several actors, who have the required know-how, methodological expertise and resources. As a result, value co-creation is increasingly taking place in ecosystems. Hence, during the project period, the SHAPE hub is to be developed as a vehicle to orchestrate actors and resources and provide them with a set of methods that they can use for data-driven service innovations in ecosystems. The aim is to develop scalable approaches for establishing service ecosystems for SMEs, public institutions and other stakeholders.
Funding source: Industrie
Project leader:
Wi1 is scientifically supporting the "Next Big Thing" project of UVEX SAFETY GROUP GmbH & Co. KG. The aim of the project is to design a work organisation in the areas of people, methods and business processes within the next year in such a way that radical innovations are fundamentally possible. Based on the joint previous experience from the "SmartHaPSSS" project, the chair can provide scientific support for the project. The scientific support focuses on the methodological and conceptual support of the project processes and content as well as an accompanying evaluation of the individual work steps, which enables a qualitative assessment of the implemented measures and a comparison of the development over time. On the one hand, the methodological and conceptual support of the project processes and content regularly provides impetus for the conception and implementation as well as for the achievement of the strategic goals of UVEX SAFETY GROUP GmbH & Co. KG.
Related Publications
Innovation in Service Ecosystems: A role perspective
RESER annual conference (Neapel) , , , :
Actor integration in service systems – exploring effects on a micro level
The 2015 Naples Forum on Service (Naples) , , :
Driving Service Productivity. Value-creation through Innovation
Cham, Heidelberg, New York, Dordrecht, London: 2014
URL: , , (ed.):
Service Systems Engineering
In: Business & Information Systems Engineering 6 (2014), p. 1-7
ISSN: 1867-0202
DOI: 10.1007/s12599-014-0314-8 , , :
Systematic Service Development: Exploring the Role of the Setting
R&D Management Conference , , , :