Research Publications
Authored Books Oks SJ. :Industrial Cyber-Physical Systems – Advancing Industry 4.0 from Vision to Application Wiesbaden : Springer Gabler , 2024 (Markt- und Unternehmensentwicklung Markets and Organisations)ISBN: 978-3-658-44416-7 DOI: 10.1007/978-3-658-44417-4 URL: Beckmann M. , Zöttl G. , Grimm V. , Becker T. , Schober M. , Zipse O. :Setting the Course for Net Zero: Translating Climate Science into Political and Corporate Targets Springer International Publishing , 2023 ISBN: 9783031422249 DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-42224-9_2 Picot A. , Reichwald R. , Wigand RT. , Möslein K. , Neuburger R. , Neyer AK. :The Boundaryless Enterprise: Information, Organization and Leadership Wiesbaden : Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden , 2023 ISBN: 9783658400545 DOI: 10.1007/978-3-658-40054-5 URL: Bella N. , Gamradt J. , Staples R. , Widuckel W. , Wilga M. , Whittall M. :Partizipation und Un_gleichzeitigkeit Wiesbaden : Springer VS , 2022 ISBN: 9783658382834 DOI: 10.1007/978-3-658-38284-1 Bernard M. , Duchon M. , Eitner F. , Fuchs J. , Kipouridis O. , Mosig T. , Neubert C. , Oks SJ. , Rehman K. , Reidt A. , Stelzner J. , Weiss S. :PRODISYS – Engineering Produktionsbasierter Dienstleistungssysteme 2021 ISBN: 978-3-9818237-4-5 Picot A. , Reichwald R. , Wigand RT. , Möslein K. , Neuburger R. , Neyer AK. :Die grenzenlose Unternehmung: Information, Organisation & Führung Wiesbaden : Springer Gabler , 2020 ISBN: 978-3-658-28565-4 DOI: 10.1007/978-3-658-28565-4 URL: Satzger G. , Schüritz R. , Hunke F. , Seebacher S. , Möslein K. , Jonas J. , Genennig S. , Schymanietz M. , Böhmann T. , Kühne B. , Ditterich D. , Köpschall M. , Eckerle C. :Geschäftsmodelle 4.0 - Baukasten zur Entwicklung datenbasierter Geschäftsmodelle Karlsruhe : KIT Research , 2018 ISBN: 978-3-00-060723-3 Jonas J. :Stakeholder Integration in Service Innovation Wiesbaden : Springer Gabler , 2018 ISBN: 978-3-658-19462-8 DOI: 10.1007/978-3-658-19463-5 Mertens P. , Barbian D. , Baier S. :Digitalisierung und Industrie 4.0 – Eine Relativierung Wiesbaden : Springer , 2017 ISBN: 978-3-658-19632-5 URL: Bettina Hofmann, Tim Posselt, Stefan Hastreiter, Frank Danzinger, Heiko Wrobel:Dienstleistungen im Technischen Handel - Analyse zum Status Quo und Entwicklung Strategischer Handlungsfelder Fraunhofer Verlag , 2016 ISBN: 3839609402 Thallmaier S. :Customer Co-Design. A Study in the Mass Customization Industry Wiesbaden : Springer Gabler , 2015 (Schriftenreihe "Markt- und Unternehmensentwicklung")ISBN: 978365807525 URL: Staples R. , Dornaus C. , Wendelken A. , Wolf D. :Innovationspotenziale - Entdecken! Wertschätzen! Nutzen! Erlangen : FAU University Press , 2015 Open Access: URL: Dumbach M. :Establishing Corporate Innovation Communities - A Social Capital Perspective Wiesbaden : Springer Gabler , 2014 (Markt- und Unternehmensentwicklung) URL: Hansen E. , Schaltegger S. :Pursuing Sustainability with the Balanced Scorecard: Between Shareholder Value and Multiple Goal Optimisation Lüneburg : Centre for Sustainability Management , 2012 ISBN: 978-3-942638-20-3 Amberg M. , Bodendorf F. , Möslein K. :Wertschöpfungsorientierte Wirtschaftsinformatik Berlin : Springer-Verlag , 2011 DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-16756-0 Roth A. :Der Logistikbildungsmarkt 2020 - Bedarfsgerechte Bildungsangebote für die Logistikwirtschaft der Zukunft (Habilitationsschrift) Aachen, 2010 ISBN: 978-3-8322-9152-5 Danzinger F. :Kundeninteraktionskompetenz in Industriegütermärkten Wiesbaden : Gabler , 2010 ISBN: 978-3-8349-2124-6 Matthaei E. :The Nature of Executive Work 2010 Zerfaß A. , Möslein K. :Kommunikation als Erfolgsfaktor im Innovationsmanagement: Strategien im ... Wiesbaden : Gabler Verlag , 2009 ISBN: 3834916595 URL:\_yXmCaPQ8mQC&pgis=1 Möslein K. , Matthaei E. :Strategies for innovators: HHL open school case book Wiesbaden : Gabler , 2009 ISBN: 978-3-8349-0761-5 URL: Roth A. , Klaus P. :Bildungsmarkt Logistik - Ausbildung, Weiterbildung, Studium für Logistik und Supply Chain Management. Hamburg : DVV Verlag , 2008 ISBN: 978-3-87154-382-1 Reichwald R. , Möslein K. , Huff AS. , Kölling M. , Neyer AK. :Services Made in Germany: A Travel Guide Leipzig : Center for Leading Innovation & Cooperation , 2008 ISBN: 978-3-00-024253-7 URL: Möslein K. , Matthaei E. :Strategies for Innovators: A Case Book of the HHL Open School Initiative Wiesbaden : Gabler Verlag , 2008 ISBN: 3834907618 URL: Bauer A. :Lagermodellierung für logistische Netze - Das "modulare Knotenmodell" als Konzept zur dynamischen Abbildung von Lagern in Netzen (Dissertation) Hamburg : Deutscher Verkehrsverlag , 2002 Journal Articles Koustas SG. , Breimair G. , Amler MK. :From pixels to 3D worlds: Enhancing digital collaboration for distributed teams In: Procedia CIRP 128 (2024 ), p. 549-554 ISSN: 2212-8271 DOI: 10.1016/j.procir.2024.03.035 Koustas SG. , Kirschbaum J. , Möslein K. :Uncovering the potential of chatbots during the development of industrial smart product-service systems In: Procedia CIRP 128 (2024 ), p. 864-869 ISSN: 2212-8271 DOI: 10.1016/j.procir.2024.07.068 Schultz M. , Kirschbaum J. :Chatbots im Unternehmen: Rechtliches Risikomanagement zur Haftungsvermeidung In: WiM – Wirtschaft in Mittelfranken (2024 ), p. 34-36 Open Access: URL: Dörr L. , Oks SJ. , Trezl J. , Reichenstein T. , Koustas SG. , Lehmann C. :Demonstratoren im Industrie 4.0-Kontext In: wt Werkstattstechnik - Online 114 (2024 ), p. 373-383 ISSN: 1436-4980 DOI: 10.37544/1436-4980-2024-06-125 URL: Kurtz J. , Meyer P. , Roth A. :Decoding the context of servitization: socio-technical pivots on the journey to service-oriented business models in manufacturing firms In: Production Planning & Control (2023 ), p. 1-18 ISSN: 0953-7287 DOI: 10.1080/09537287.2023.2261880 Kurtz J. , Zinke-Wehlmann C. , Lugmair N. , Schymanietz M. , Roth A. :Characterising smart service systems – Revealing the smart value In: Journal of Service Management Research 7 (2023 ), p. 112-128 ISSN: 2511-8676 DOI: 10.5771/2511-8676-2023-2-112 Reichenstein T. , Koustas SG. , Roßner A. , Meiners M. , Franke J. :Toward a structured concept for purpose-driven modeling of a digital shadow in manufacturing In: Procedia CIRP 119 (2023 ), p. 816-821 ISSN: 2212-8271 DOI: 10.1016/j.procir.2023.02.167 Jalowski M. , Oks SJ. , Möslein K. :Fostering knowledge sharing: Design principles for persuasive digital technologies in open innovation projects In: Creativity and Innovation Management 32 (2023 ), p. 233-248 ISSN: 0963-1690 DOI: 10.1111/caim.12520 URL: Perez Mengual M. , Danzinger F. , Roth A. :Physical interaction platforms: A taxonomy of spaces for interactive value creation In: Creativity and Innovation Management (2023 ), p. 1 - 12 ISSN: 0963-1690 DOI: 10.1111/caim.12557 URL: Seilz V. , Krause-Söhner E. , Schaller C. , Roth A. :Change of Organizational Ambidexterity in Corporate Venture Units: how an Innovation Unit Increasingly Develops Exploitative Tendencies In: HMD : Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik 60 (2023 ), p. 628-645 ISSN: 1436-3011 DOI: 10.1365/s40702-023-00975-z Koustas SG. , Jalowski M. , Reichenstein T. , Oks SJ. :A blockchain-based IIoT traceability system: ERC-721 tokens for Industry 4.0 In: Procedia CIRP 120 (2023 ), p. 1280-1285 ISSN: 2212-8271 DOI: 10.1016/j.procir.2023.09.163 Koustas SG. , Reichenstein T. , Oks SJ. , Fuchs J. , Möslein K. :Demonstrating industrial smart product-service systems: Industry 4.0 maturity through stakeholder-oriented development and testing In: Procedia CIRP 120 (2023 ), p. 1268-1273 ISSN: 2212-8271 DOI: 10.1016/j.procir.2023.09.161 Haag S. , Chase C. , Miczaika G. , Möslein K. , Steininger D. , Zarnekow R. , van Bohemen J. :How Can the BISE Community Promote Tech Startups? In: Business & Information Systems Engineering (2023 )ISSN: 1867-0202 DOI: 10.1007/s12599-023-00814-x Meyer P. , Roth A. , Gutknecht K. :Service robots in organisational frontlines-A retail managers' perspective In: Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 70 (2023 )ISSN: 0969-6989 DOI: 10.1016/j.jretconser.2022.103173 Posselt T. , Sa´D R. , Riemer M. :Breaking the Walls of Complex Systems Change in Cities - A Service Ecosystems and Psychological Perspective In: Journal of City Climate Policy and Economy 1 (2022 ), p. 32-60 ISSN: 2816-7414 DOI: 10.3138/jccpe-2022.1.1.0009 URL: Krause-Söhner E. , Roth A. , Schaller C. :Multifaceted and even contradictory? Impulses to push efficiency and innovativeness and the dynamic role of ambiguity in context of a German university In: Journal of Business Research 147 (2022 ), p. 258-277 ISSN: 0148-2963 DOI: 10.1016/j.jbusres.2022.02.058 Oks SJ. , Jalowski M. , Lechner M. , Mirschberger S. , Merklein M. , Vogel-Heuser B. , Möslein K. :Cyber-Physical Systems in the Context of Industry 4.0: A Review, Categorization and Outlook In: Information Systems Frontiers (2022 )ISSN: 1387-3326 DOI: 10.1007/s10796-022-10252-x URL: Förster M. , Bansemir B. , Roth A. :Employee perspectives on value realization from data within data-driven business models In: Electronic Markets 21 (2022 ), p. 767-806 ISSN: 1019-6781 DOI: 10.1007/s12525-021-00504-0 Schymanietz M. , Jonas JM. , Möslein K. :Exploring data-driven service innovation—aligning perspectives in research and practice In: Journal of Business Economics (2022 )ISSN: 0044-2372 DOI: 10.1007/s11573-022-01095-8 Meyer P. , Spreer P. , Gutknecht K. :Shake Hands with a Robot: Understanding Frontstage Employees’ Adoption of Service Robots in Retailing In: Marketing Review St. Gallen 5 (2022 ), p. 46-54 ISSN: 1865-6544 URL:'_Adoption_of_Service_Robots_in_Retailing Bullinger-Hoffmann A. , Koch M. , Möslein K. , Richter A. :Computer-Supported Cooperative Work - Revisited In: i-com : Zeitschrift für interaktive und kooperative Medien 20 (2021 ), p. 215-228 ISSN: 1618-162X DOI: 10.1515/icom-2021-0028 Schopf P. , Jonas J. :Kollaboration mit Extended-Reality-Systemen – eine Kategorisierung In: HMD : Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik 59 (2021 ), p. 177–188 ISSN: 1436-3011 DOI: 10.1365/s40702-021-00823-y URL: Schwemmer M. , Roth A. , Pflaum A. :Laying the foundation for high performance of new digital logistics ventures In: International Journal of Business and Systems Research 15 (2021 ), p. 677-700 ISSN: 1751-2018 DOI: 10.1504/ijbsr.2021.10027334 URL: Oks SJ. , Zöllner S. , Jalowski M. , Fuchs J. , Möslein K. :Embedded vision device integration via OPC UA: Design and evaluation of a neural network-based monitoring system for Industry 4.0 In: Procedia CIRP 100 (2021 ), p. 43-48 ISSN: 2212-8271 DOI: 10.1016/j.procir.2021.05.007 URL: Förster M. , Bansemir B. , Roth A. :Innovation von datengetriebenen Geschäftsmodellen In: HMD : Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik 58 (2021 ), p. 595–610 ISSN: 1436-3011 DOI: 10.1365/s40702-021-00730-2 URL: Robbins P. , O’gorman C. , Huff A. , Möslein K. :Multidexterity—a new metaphor for open innovation In: Journal of Open Innovation: Technology, Market, and Complexity 7 (2021 ), Article No.: 99 ISSN: 2199-8531 DOI: 10.3390/JOITMC7010099 Schlemmer P. , Stickdorn M. , Kristiansen E. , Schnitzer M. :A mixed methods stakeholder satisfaction study of sports events based on the case of the 2016 international children’s games In: Journal of Convention and Event Tourism (2021 )ISSN: 1547-0148 DOI: 10.1080/15470148.2021.1908921 Meyer P. , Jonas J. , Roth A. :Frontline Employees' Acceptance of and Resistance to Service Robots in Stationary Retail - An Exploratory Interview Study In: Journal of Service Management Research 4 (2020 ), p. 21-34 ISSN: 2511-8676 DOI: 10.15358/2511-8676-2020-1-21 URL:'_Acceptance_of_and_Resistance_to_Service_Robots_in_Stationary_Retail_-_An_Exploratory_Interview_Study/links/5e4538c3a6fdccd9659fe7ff/Frontline-Employees-Acceptance-of-and-Resistance-to-Service-Robots-in-Stationary-Retail-An-Exploratory-Interview-Study.pdf Wolpert S. , Roth A. :Development of a classification framework for technology based retail services: a retailers’ perspective In: International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research (2020 )ISSN: 0959-3969 DOI: 10.1080/09593969.2020.1768575 Naik HS. , Fritzsche A. , Möslein K. :Modularity in making: simplifying solution space for user innovation In: R & D Management (2020 )ISSN: 0033-6807 DOI: 10.1111/radm.12427 Fritzsche A. , Dürrbeck K. :Technology before engineering: How James Bond films mediate between fiction and reality in the portrayal of innovation In: Technovation 92-93 (2020 ), Article No.: 102080 ISSN: 0166-4972 DOI: 10.1016/j.technovation.2019.05.006 Baier S. , Dunzer S. , Fettke P. , Houy C. , Matzner M. , Pfeiffer P. , Rehse JR. , Scheid M. , Stephan S. , Stierle M. , Willems B. :The MobIS-Challenge 2019 - A Report on the WI-2019-Workshop on Model-Based Compliance in Information Systems In: Enterprise Modelling and Information Systems Architectures - International Journal of Conceptual Modeling 15 (2020 )ISSN: 1866-3621 DOI: 10.18417/EMISA.15.5 URL: Abdelkafi N. , Raasch C. , Roth A. , Srinivasan R. :Multi-sided platforms In: Electronic Markets 29 (2019 ), p. 553-559 ISSN: 1019-6781 DOI: 10.1007/s12525-019-00385-4 Oks SJ. , Jalowski M. , Fritzsche A. , Möslein K. :Cyber-physical modeling and simulation: A reference architecture for designing demonstrators for industrial cyber-physical systems In: Procedia CIRP 84 (2019 ), p. 257-264 ISSN: 2212-8271 DOI: 10.1016/j.procir.2019.04.239 URL: Jalowski M. , Fritzsche A. , Möslein K. :Facilitating collaborative design: a toolkit for integrating persuasive technologies in design activities In: Procedia CIRP 84 (2019 ), p. 61-67 ISSN: 2212-8271 DOI: 10.1016/j.procir.2019.04.290 Fuchs J. , Oks SJ. , Franke J. :Platform-based service composition for manufacturing: A conceptualization In: Procedia CIRP 81 (2019 ), p. 541-546 ISSN: 2212-8271 DOI: 10.1016/j.procir.2019.03.152 URL: Hohmann C. , Posselt T. :Design challenges for CPS-based service systems in industrial production and logistics In: International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing 32 (2019 ), p. 329-339 ISSN: 0951-192X DOI: 10.1080/0951192X.2018.1552795 Daiberl C. , Oks SJ. , Roth A. , Möslein K. , Alter S. :Design principles for establishing a multi-sided open innovation platform: lessons learned from an action research study in the medical technology industry In: Electronic Markets 29 (2019 ), p. 711–728 ISSN: 1019-6781 DOI: 10.1007/s12525-018-0325-2 URL: Bohnert A. , Fritzsche A. , Gregor S. :Digital Agendas in the Insurance Industry: The Importance of Comprehensive Approaches In: Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance-Issues and Practice 44 (2019 ), p. 1-19 ISSN: 1018-5895 DOI: 10.1057/s41288-018-0109-0 Abraham M. , Niessen C. , Schnabel C. , Lorek K. , Grimm V. , Möslein K. , Wrede M. :Electronic monitoring at work: The role of attitudes, functions, and perceived control for the acceptance of tracking technologies. In: Human Resource Management Journal 29 (2019 ), p. 657-675 ISSN: 0954-5395 DOI: 10.1111/1748-8583.12250 Meyer P. , Spreer P. , Gutknecht K. :Humanoide Serviceroboter am PoS: Eine akzeptanzanalytische Untersuchung neuer Formen der Kundeninteraktion In: Marketing Review St. Gallen 35 (2018 ), p. 18-25 ISSN: 1865-6544 URL: Genennig S. , Roth A. , Jonas J. , Möslein K. :Value Propositions in Service Systems Enabled by Digital Technology: a Field Based Design Science Approach In: Journal of Service Management Research 2 (2018 ), p. 3-18 ISSN: 2511-8676 DOI: 10.15358/2511-8676-2018-4-6 Wehnert P. , Kollwitz C. , Daiberl C. , Dinter B. , Beckmann M. :Capturing the Bigger Picture? Applying Text Analytics for Foster Open Innovation Processes for Sustainability-Oriented Innovation In: Sustainability 10 (2018 ), p. 1-24 ISSN: 2071-1050 DOI: 10.3390/su10103710 Oks SJ. , Fritzsche A. , Möslein K. :Engineering industrial cyber-physical systems: An application map based method In: Procedia CIRP 72 (2018 ), p. 456-461 ISSN: 2212-8271 DOI: 10.1016/j.procir.2018.03.126 URL: Agarwal N. , Chakrabarti R. , Brem A. , Bocken N. :Market driving at Bottom of the Pyramid (BoP): An analysis of social enterprises from the healthcare sector In: Journal of Business Research 86 (2018 ), p. 234-244 ISSN: 0148-2963 DOI: 10.1016/j.jbusres.2017.07.001 Fritzsche A. :Corporate foresight in open laboratories–a translational approach In: Technology Analysis & Strategic Management 30 (2018 ), p. 646-657 ISSN: 0953-7325 DOI: 10.1080/09537325.2017.1380180 Grafmüller, L., Hönigsberg S., Wache H., Hankammer S.:Developing complex, mass-customized products in SME networks: Perspectives from co-creation, solution space development, and information system design In: International Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management 9 (2018 ), p. 215-227 ISSN: 2217-2661 Matzner M. , Büttgen M. , Demirkan H. , Spohrer J. , Alter S. , Fritzsche A. , Ng I. , Jonas J. , Martinez V. , Möslein K. , Neely A. :Digital Transformation in Service Management In: Journal of Service Management Research 2 (2018 ), p. 3-21 ISSN: 2511-8676 DOI: 10.15358/2511-8676-2018-2-3 URL: Kreusel N. , Roth N. , Brem A. :European business venturing in times of digitisation – an analysis of for-profit business incubators in a triple helix context In: International Journal of Technology Management 76 (2018 ), p. 104-136 ISSN: 0267-5730 DOI: 10.1504/IJTM.2018.088707 Wolfram P. , Agarwal N. , Brem A. :Reverse Technology Transfer from the East to the West – Evidence from R&D sites of Western Multinationals in China In: European Journal of Innovation Management 21 (2018 ), p. 443-455 ISSN: 1460-1060 DOI: 10.1108/EJIM-08-2017-0112 Jonas J. , Boha J. , Sörhammar D. , Möslein K. :Stakeholder engagement in intra-and inter-organizational innovation: Exploring antecedents of engagement in service ecosystems In: Journal of Service Management 29 (2018 ), p. 399-421 ISSN: 1757-5818 Böhmann T. , Leimeister JM. , Möslein K. :The New Fontiers of Service Systems Engineering In: Business & Information Systems Engineering 4 (2018 )ISSN: 1867-0202 DOI: 10.1007/s12599-018-0553-1 Hankammer S. , Jiang R. , Kleer R. , Schymanietz M. :Are modular and customizable smartphones the future, or doomed to fail? A case study on the introduction of sustainable consumer electronics. In: CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology (2017 ), p. 1-10 ISSN: 1755-5817 DOI: 10.1016/j.cirpj.2017.11.001 Agarwal N. , Grottke M. , Mishra S. , Brem A. :A Systematic Literature Review of Constraint-Based Innovations: State of the Art and Future Perspectives In: IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management 64 (2017 ), p. 3-15 ISSN: 0018-9391 DOI: 10.1109/TEM.2016.2620562 Boukhris A. , Fritzsche A. , Möslein K. :Co-creation in the Early Stage of Product-Service System Development In: Procedia CIRP (2017 ), p. 27-32 ISSN: 2212-8271 DOI: 10.1016/j.procir.2017.03.316 URL: Rau C. , Zbiek A. , Jonas J. :Creating Competitive Advantage from Services In: Research-Technology Management 60 (2017 ), p. 48-56 ISSN: 0895-6308 Gölzer P. , Fritzsche A. :Data-driven operations management: organisational implications of the digital transformation in industrial practice In: Production Planning & Control 28 (2017 ), p. 1332-1343 ISSN: 0953-7287 DOI: 10.1080/09537287.2017.1375148 Sliwa SI. , Brem A. , Agarwal N. , Kraus S. :E-health, health systems and social innovation: a cross-national study of telecare diffusion In: International Journal of Foresight and Innovation Policy 12 (2017 ), p. 171–197 ISSN: 1740-2816 DOI: 10.1504/IJFIP.2017.087082 Haller J. , Velamuri V. , Schneckenberg D. , Möslein K. :Exploring the design elements of open evaluation In: Journal of Strategy and Management 10 (2017 ), p. 40-65 ISSN: 1755-425X Agarwal N. , Brem A. :Frugal Innovation – Past, Present and Future In: IEEE Engineering Management Review 45 (2017 ), p. 37-41 ISSN: 0360-8581 DOI: 10.1109/EMR.2017.2734320 Gerlach S. , Brem A. :Idea Management Revisited: A Review of the Literature and Guide for Implementation In: International Journal of Innovation Studies 2 (2017 ), p. 144-161 ISSN: 2096-2487 DOI: 10.1016/j.ijis.2017.10.004 Mosig T. , Grafmüller L. , Lehmann C. :Identifying business model patterns of B2B mass customizers: The case of German textile SMEs In: International Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management 8 (2017 ), p. 99-110 ISSN: 2217-2661 Posselt T. , Roth A. :Microfoundations of Organizational Competence for Servitization In: Journal of Competences, Strategy & Management Special Issue: Approaching Dynamic Capabilities from a Multi-Level Perspective – Macrofoundations and Microfoundations (2017 ), p. 85-107 ISSN: 2510-4349 Jonas J. , Roth A. :Stakeholder integration in service innovation - An exploratory case study in the healthcare industry In: International Journal of Technology Management 73 (2017 ), p. 91-113 ISSN: 0267-5730 DOI: 10.1504/IJTM.2017.082358 Möslein K. , Bessant J. :Strategic Leadership for Sustainable Competitiveness (Special Issue) In: International Journal of Technology Management 73 (2017 )ISSN: 0267-5730 Roth A. , Dumbach M. , Schliffka B. , Möslein K. :Successful management of diverse corporate innovation communities In: Journal of Strategy and Management Vol. 10 (2017 ), p. 2-18 ISSN: 1755-425X Agarwal N. , Brem A. :The frugal innovation case of solar-powered Automated Teller Machines (ATMs) of Vortex Engineering in India In: Journal of entrepreneurship and innovation in emerging economies 3 (2017 ), p. 115-126 ISSN: 2393-9575 DOI: 10.1177/2393957517717895 Mertens P. , Baier S. :Unternehmensgründungen durch Hochschulassistenten In: Wissenschaftsmanagement : Zeitschrift für Innovation (2017 ), p. 16-20 ISSN: 0947-9546 Koskela-Huotari K. , Edvardsson B. , Jonas J. , Sorhammar D. , Witell L. :Innovation in service ecosystems—Breaking, making, and maintaining institutionalized rules of resource integration In: Journal of Business Research 69 (2016 ), p. 2964-2971 ISSN: 0148-2963 DOI: 10.1016/j.jbusres.2016.02.029 Marheineke M. , Habicht H. , Möslein K. :Bridging knowledge boundaries: the use of boundary objects in virtual innovation communities In: R & D Management 46 (2016 ), p. 1084-1094 ISSN: 0033-6807 Scheiner C. , Krämer K. , Baccarella C. :Cruel Intentions? - The Role of Moral Awareness, Moral Disengagement, and Regulatory Focus in the Unethical Use of Social Media by Entrepreneurs In: Lecture Notes in Computer Science 9742 (2016 ), p. 437-448 ISSN: 0302-9743 DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-39910-2_41 Mertens P. , Barbian D. :Digitalisierung und Industrie 4.0 – Trend mit modischer Überhöhung? In: Informatik-Spektrum 39 (2016 ), p. 301-309 ISSN: 0170-6012 Wendelken A. , Brunner S. , Möslein K. :Maßgeschneiderte organisationale Communities: Herausforderungen für HRM In: Personal quarterly (2016 ), p. 28-32 ISSN: 2193-0589 Marheineke M. , Velamuri V. , Möslein K. :On the Importance of Boundary Objects for Virtual Collaboration: A Review of the Literature In: Technology Analysis & Strategic Management 28 (2016 ), p. 1108-1122 ISSN: 0953-7325 DOI: 10.1080/09537325.2016.1181744 Naik HS. , Möslein K. :Social Media in User Entrepreneurship In: Lecture Notes in Computer Science (2016 ), p. 428-436 ISSN: 0302-9743 Jonas J. , Roth A. , Möslein K. :Stakeholder integration for service innovation in German medium-sized enterprises In: Service Science 8 (2016 ), p. 320-332 ISSN: 2164-3970 Bogers M. , Afuah A. , Zobel AK. , Almirall E. , Brunswicker S. , Dahlander L. , Frederiksen L. , Gawer A. , Gruber M. , Haeflinger S. , Hagedoorn J. , Hilgers D. , Laursen K. , Magnusson M. , Majchrzak A. , McCarthy I. , Möslein K. , Nambisan S. , Piller F. , Radziwon A. , Rossi-Lamastra C. , Sims J. , Ter Wal ALJ. :The Open Innovation Research Landscape: Established Perspectives and Emerging Themes Across Different Levels of Analysis In: Industry and Innovation 24 (2016 ), p. 8-40 ISSN: 1366-2716 Mertens P. , Barbian D. :Beherrschung systemischer Risiken in weltweiten Netzen In: Informatik-Spektrum 38 (2015 ), p. 283-289 ISSN: 0170-6012 DOI: 10.1007/s00287-015-0900-2 Velamuri V. , Schneckenberg D. , Haller J. , Möslein K. :Exploring the Design Elements of Open Evaluation In: Journal of Strategy and Management (2015 )ISSN: 1755-425X Möslein K. , Oks SJ. , Wendelken A. :Führen im Industrie 4.0-Zeitalter: innovativ, balanciert und wertschätzend In: præview (2015 ), p. 21 ISSN: 2190-0485 Mertens P. , Barbian D. :Grand Challenges – Wesen und Abgrenzungen In: Informatik-Spektrum 38 (2015 ), p. 264-268 ISSN: 0170-6012 Wendelken A. , Staples R. , Dornaus C. , Wolf D. :„Grenzinnovator“-Communities: Ein praktischer Ansatz zur Förderung des betrieblichen Innovationspotenzials durch intergenerationalen Wissenstransfer. In: præview 6 (2015 ), p. 6-7 ISSN: 2190-0485 Velamuri V. , Schneckenberg D. , Haller J. , Möslein K. :Open evaluation of new product concepts at the front end of innovation: objectives and contingency factors In: R & D Management 47 (2015 ), p. 501-521 ISSN: 0033-6807 DOI: 10.1111/radm.12155 Rau C. , Neyer AK. , Möslein K. :Playing possum, hide-and-seek and other behavioural patterns: knowledge boundaries at newly emerging interfaces In: R & D Management 42 (2015 ), p. 341-353 ISSN: 0033-6807 Mertens P. , Barbian D. :Researching "Grand Challenges" - A "Grand Challenge" In: Business & Information Systems Engineering 57 (2015 ), p. 391-403 ISSN: 1867-0202 Wolf D. , Dornaus C. , Wendelken A. , Staples R. , Schütz A. :Wertschätzung – ein Erfolgsfaktor für Kompetenzentwicklung und Qualifizierung im demografischen Wandel. In: præview 6 (2015 ), p. 8-9 ISSN: 2190-0485 Gerlach S. , Brem A. :What determines a successful business incubator?: Introduction of an incubator guide In: International Journal of Entrepreneurial Venturing 7 (2015 ), p. 286-307 ISSN: 1742-5360 DOI: 10.1504/IJEV.2015.071486 Mertens P. , Barbian D. :Die Wirtschaftsinformatik der Zukunft – auch eine Wissenschaft der Netze? In: HMD : Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik 51 (2014 ), p. 729-743 ISSN: 1436-3011 Reichwald R. , Möslein K. , Dumbach M. , Plieth H. :Informelle Gemeinschaften und die Innovationsfähigkeit im demografischen Wandel In: Denkströme : Journal der Sächsischen Akademie der Wissenschaften Heft 12 (2014 ), p. 60-76 ISSN: 1867-6413 URL: Wendelken A. , Rau C. , Danzinger F. , Möslein K. :Innovation without me: Why employees do (not) participate in organizational innovation communities In: R & D Management 44 (2014 ), p. 217-236 ISSN: 0033-6807 DOI: 10.1111/radm.12042 Roth A. , Fritzsche A. , Jonas J. , Danzinger F. , Möslein K. :Interaktive Kunden als Herausforderung: Die Fallstudie „JOSEPHS® – Die Service-Manufaktur“ In: HMD : Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik 51 (2014 ), p. 883-895 ISSN: 1436-3011 DOI: 10.1365/s40702-014-0091-3 URL: Möslein K. , Haller J. , Bullinger AC. :Open Evaluation: ein IT-basierter Ansatz für die Bewertung innovativer Konzepte In: HMD : Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik 47 (2014 ), p. 21-34 ISSN: 1436-3011 URL: Böhmann T. , Leimeister JM. , Möslein K. :Service Systems Engineering In: Business & Information Systems Engineering 6 (2014 ), p. 1-7 ISSN: 1867-0202 DOI: 10.1007/s12599-014-0314-8 Böhmann T. , Leimeister JM. , Möslein K. :Service Systems Engineering In: Wirtschaftsinformatik 56 (2014 ), p. 83-90 ISSN: 0937-6429 Hansen E. , Schaltegger S. :100% organic? A sustainable entrepreneurship perspective on the diffusion of organic clothing In: Corporate Governance - the international journal of business in society (2013 )ISSN: 1472-0701 DOI: 10.1108/CG-06-2013-0074 Möslein K. , Rabes K. :Crowdsourcing: Wenn die Arbeit ruft... In: Wirtschaftsinformatik & Management (2013 ), p. 30-40 ISSN: 1867-5913 Raß M. , Dumbach M. , Bullinger AC. , Möslein K. , Danzinger F. :Open Innovation and Firm Performance: The Mediating Role of Social Capital In: Creativity and Innovation Management 22 (2013 ), p. 177-194 ISSN: 0963-1690 DOI: 10.1111/caim.12028 URL: Velamuri V. , Bansemir B. , Neyer AK. , Möslein K. :Product Service Systems as A Driver For Business Model Innovation: Lessons Learned from the Manufacturing Industry In: International Journal of Innovation Management 17 (2013 ), p. 1340004-1-1340004-25 ISSN: 1363-9196 DOI: 10.1142/S1363919613400045 URL: Roth A. :Analyse von Anforderungen in der Logistikbranche - Erste Implikationen für die Berufsbildung In: Zeitschrift für Berufs- und Wirtschaftspädagogik (2012 ), p. 604-626 ISSN: 0172-2875 Bansemir B. , Möslein K. , Neyer AK. :Anchoring Corporate Innovation Communities in Organizations: A Taxonomy In: International Journal of Knowledge-Based Organizations 2 (2012 ), p. 1-20 ISSN: 2155-6393 Möslein K. , Huff AS. , Reichwald R. :Corporate Open Innovation: Learning form Longitudinal Exploratory Research In: International Journal of Knowledge-Based Organizations 2 (2012 ), p. i-x ISSN: 2155-6393 Adamczyk S. , Raß M. , Bullinger AC. , Möslein K. :Gemeinsam für die Seltenen: Die Initiative zu seltenen Erkrankungen In: Deutsche Zeitschrift für Klinische Forschung (2012 )ISSN: 1616-0347 Adamczyk S. , Bullinger AC. , Möslein K. :Innovation Contests: A Review, Classification and Outlook In: Creativity and Innovation Management (2012 ), p. 335-360 ISSN: 0963-1690 Rau C. , Neyer AK. , Möslein K. :Innovation practices and their boundary-crossing mechanisms: a review and proposals for the future In: Technology Analysis & Strategic Management 24 (2012 ), p. 181–217 ISSN: 0953-7325 DOI: 10.1080/09537325.2012.647647 Bansemir B. , Möslein K. , Neyer AK. :Knowledge Exchange in Intra-Organizational Innovation Communities: The Role of Cognitive and Affective States In: Business Research 5 (2012 ), p. 43-58 ISSN: 2198-3402 Bullinger-Hoffmann A. , Raß M. , Adamczyk S. , Möslein K. , Sohn S. :Open Innovation in Health Care: Analysis of an Open Health Platform In: Health Policy 105 (2012 ), p. 165-175 ISSN: 0168-8510 DOI: 10.1016/j.healthpol.2012.02.009 Habicht H. , Möslein K. , Reichwald R. :Open Innovation Maturity In: International Journal of Knowledge-Based Organizations 2 (2012 ), p. 92-111 ISSN: 2155-6393 Habicht H. , Möslein K. :Open Innovation Maturity: Ein Reifegradmodell für das offene Innovationsmanagement In: Journal Arbeit 11 (2012 ), p. 29-30 ISSN: 1619-4020 Wolpert S. , Reuter C. :Status Quo of City Logistics in Scientific Literature: Systematic Review In: Transportation Research Record 2269 (2012 ), p. 110-116 ISSN: 0361-1981 DOI: 10.3141/2269-13 URL: Plieth H. , Bullinger-Hoffmann A. , Hansen E. :Sustainable Entrepreneurship in the Apparel Industry: The Case of Manomama In: The Journal of Corporate Citizenship 45 (2012 ), p. 121-134 ISSN: 1470-5001 Hallerstede S. , Danzinger F. , Bullinger-Hoffmann A. , Möslein K. :Akzeptanzorientiertes Application Lifecycle Management In: HMD : Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik 278 (2011 ), p. 30–40 ISSN: 1436-3011 Fritzsche A. :Boys with toys and fearful parents? the pedagogical dimensions of the discourse in technology ethics In: International Journal of Technoethics 2 (2011 ), p. 39-47 ISSN: 1947-3451 DOI: 10.4018/jte.2011070103 Möslein K. :British Academy of Management: A Place for Young Sholars In: British Journal of Management 22 (2011 ), p. 548–549 ISSN: 1045-3172 Velamuri V. , Neyer AK. , Möslein K. :Hybrid Value Creation: A systematic review of an evolving research area In: Journal für Betriebswirtschaft 61 (2011 ), p. 3-35 ISSN: 0344-9327 DOI: 10.1007/s11301-011-0070-5 Haller J. , Bullinger-Hoffmann A. , Möslein K. :Innovation Contests - An IT-Based Tool for Innovation Management In: Business & Information Systems Engineering 3 (2011 ), p. 103–106 ISSN: 1867-0202 DOI: 10.1007/s12599-011-0147-7 Haller J. , Bullinger-Hoffmann A. , Möslein K. :Innovationswettbewerbe: ein IT-gestütztes Instrument des Innovationsmanagements In: Wirtschaftsinformatik (2011 ), p. 105-107 ISSN: 0937-6429 Habicht H. , Möslein K. , Reichwald R. :Open Innovation: Grundlagen, Werkzeuge, Kompetenzentwicklung In: IM : die Fachzeitschrift für Information Management und Consulting 26 (2011 ), p. 44-51 ISSN: 0930-5181 Bessant J. , von Stamm B. , Möslein K. :Selection strategies for discontinuous innovation In: International Journal of Technology Management 55 (2011 ), p. 156-170 ISSN: 0267-5730 DOI: 10.1504/IJTM.2011.041685 Renken U. , Bullinger-Hoffmann A. , Möslein K. :Webbasierte Werkzeuge für Wissensarbeiter In: HMD : Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik 48 (2011 ), p. 73-85 ISSN: 1436-3011 Hansen E. , Gomm M. , Bullinger-Hoffmann A. , Möslein K. :A community-based toolkit for designing ride-sharing services: The case of a virtual network of ride access points in Germany In: International Journal of Innovation and Sustainable Development 5 (2010 ), p. 80-99 ISSN: 1740-8822 Bessant J. , von Stamm B. , Möslein K. , Neyer AK. :Backing outsiders: Selection strategies for discontinuous innovation In: R & D Management 40 (2010 ), p. 345-434 ISSN: 0033-6807 DOI: 10.1111/j.1467-9310.2010.00606.x Wartzack S. , Drummer D. , Wittmann S. , Stuppy J. , Rietzel D. , Tremmel S. , Kühnlein F. :Besonderheiten bei der Auslegung und Gestaltung lasergesinterter Bauteile In: RTejournal - Forum für Rapid Technologie 7 (2010 ), p. - ISSN: 1614-0923 Bullinger-Hoffmann A. , Neyer AK. , Raß M. , Möslein K. :Community-based innovation contests: Where competition meets cooperation In: Creativity and Innovation Management 19 (2010 ), p. 290-303 ISSN: 0963-1690 Ihlenburg D. , Danzinger F. :Kundeninteraktion in der frühen Phase des Innovationsprozesses durch virtuelle Interaktionsplattformen In: HMD : Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik (2010 ), p. 66–77 ISSN: 1436-3011 Möslein K. , Haller J. , Bullinger-Hoffmann A. :Open Evaluation: Ein IT-basierter Ansatz für die Bewertung innovativer Konzepte In: HMD : Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik 47 (2010 ), p. 21-34 ISSN: 1436-3011 Möslein K. , Haller J. , Bullinger-Hoffmann A. :Open Evaluation: IT für das Innovationsmanagement In: Wirtschaftsinformatik & Management 2 (2010 ), p. 24-33 ISSN: 1867-5913 Kölling M. , Neyer AK. , Möslein K. :Strategies towards Innovative Services: Findings from the German Service Landscape In: Service Industries Journal 30 (2010 ), p. 609-620 ISSN: 0264-2069 DOI: 10.1080/02642060903078776 Roth A. :Wege nach oben - Blickpunkt Bildungswege In: LOG.Kompass (2010 ), p. 26ff ISSN: 1614-726X Kölling M. , Neyer AK. , Möslein K. , Reichwald R. :Ambidexterität als Innovationsstrategie für Dienstleister: Eine Fallstudie am Beispiel des deutschen Airport-Marktes In: Zeitschrift Führung und Organisation 6 (2009 ), p. 276–282 ISSN: 0722-7485 Neyer AK. , Möslein K. , Bullinger-Hoffmann A. :Integrating inside and outside innovators: A sociotechnical systems perspective In: R & D Management 39 (2009 ), p. 410–419 ISSN: 0033-6807 DOI: 10.1111/j.1467-9310.2009.00566.x Reichwald R. , Siebert J. , Möslein K. :Leadership excellence: learning from an exploratory study on leaderhip systems in large multinationals In: Journal of European Industrial Training 29 (2009 ), p. 184-197 ISSN: 0309-0590 Bessant J. , von Stamm B. , Möslein K. :Looking for Innovation - Companies stretch beyond comfort zone for eureka moments In: Wall Street journal (Eastern ed.) (2009 )ISSN: 0099-9660 URL: Neyer AK. , Doll B. , Möslein K. :Prototyping als Instrument der Innovationskommunikation In: Zeitschrift Führung und Organisation 77 (2008 ), p. 210-216 ISSN: 0722-7485 Neyer Anne-Katrin, Doll Bernhard, Möslein Kathrin M.:Service Innovation: Der Beitrag des Prototyping als Instrument der Innovationskommunikation In: Zeitschrift Führung und Organisation 77 (2008 ), p. 208–214 ISSN: 0722-7485 URL: Book Contributions Kirschbaum J. , Posselt T. , Möslein K. :Designing innovation ecosystems with functional roles – The case of industrial, intelligent manufacturing In: Baumann, Sabine (ed.): Handbook on Digital Platforms and Ecosystems in Manufacturing , Edward Elgar Publishing , 2024 (Research Handbooks in Business and Management series)ISBN: 978 1 03530 099 0 URL: Ries L. , Lugmair N. , Kurtz J. , Beckmann M. , Roth A. :Das Versprechen nachhaltiger digitaler Dienstleistungen - eine Fallstudie In: M. Bruhn und K. Hadwich (ed.): Sustainable Service Management, Forum Dienstleistungsmanagement , Wiesbaden : Springer , 2024 , p. 537-558 DOI: 10.1007/978-3-658-45146-2_19 Meyer P. , Roth A. , Gutknecht K. , Möslein K. :Potentiale von Servicerobotern am Point of Sale In: Sara D'Onofrio, Stefan Meinhardt (ed.): Robotik in der Wirtschaftsinformatik , Wiesbaden : Springer Fachmedien , 2023 , p. 225–246 ISBN: 978-3-658-39620-6 DOI: 10.1007/978-3-658-39621-3_11 URL: Beckmann M. , Zöttl G. , Grimm V. , Becker T. , Schober M. , Zipse O. :Setting the Course for Net Zero. Translating Climate Science into Political and Corporate Targets. In: Oliver Zipse, Joachim Hornegger, Thomas Becker, Markus Beckmann, Michael Bengsch, Irene Feige, Markus Schober (ed.): Road to Net Zero. Strategic Pathways for Sustainability-Driven Business Transformation. , Cham : Springer , 2023 , p. 17-59 ISBN: 9783031422232 Oks SJ. , Schymanietz M. , Jalowski M. , Posselt T. , Roth A. :Integrierte Entwicklung smarter Produkt-Service-Systeme In: Manfred Bruhn, Karsten Hadwich (ed.): Smart Services , Wiesbaden : Springer Gabler , 2022 , p. 309-331 (Forum Dienstleistungsmanagement, Vol.1)ISBN: 978-3-658-37343-6 DOI: 10.1007/978-3-658-37344-3_10 URL: Fuchs J. , Herrmann H. , Oks SJ. , Sjarov M. , Franke J. :Increasing Efficiency in Maintenance Processes Through Modular Service Bundles In: Bernd-Arno Behrens, Alexander Brosius, Wolfgang Hintze, Steffen Ihlenfeldt, Jens Peter Wulfsberg (ed.): Production at the leading edge of technology, Proceedings of the 10th Congress of the German Academic Association for Production Technology (WGP), Dresden, 23-24 September 2020 , Berlin, Heidelberg : Springer , 2021 , p. 439-447 (Lecture Notes in Production Engineering)ISBN: 978-3-662-62138-7 DOI: 10.1007/978-3-662-62138-7_44 URL: Jalowski M. , Roth A. , Oks SJ. , Wilga M. :Innovation KI-basierter Dienstleistungen für die industrielle Wertschöpfung – Ein artefaktzentrierter Ansatz In: Manfred Bruhn, Karsten Hadwich (ed.): Künstliche Intelligenz im Dienstleistungsmanagement , Wiesbaden : Springer Gabler , 2021 , p. 165-190 (Forum Dienstleistungsmanagement, Vol.1)ISBN: 9783658343231 DOI: 10.1007/978-3-658-34324-8_7 URL: Oks SJ. , Jalowski M. , Zansinger N. , Möslein K. :Die Rolle von Industrie 4.0-Demonstratoren in der digitalen Transformation – Eine Standpunktbestimmung am Portable Industrial Demonstrator for Cyber-Physical Systems (PID4CPS) In: Karl Wilbers, Lars Windelband (ed.): Lernfabriken an beruflichen Schulen – Gewerblich-technische und kaufmännische Perspektiven , Berlin : Epubli , 2021 , p. 119-157 (Texte zur Wirtschaftspädagogik und Personalentwicklung, Vol.26) Open Access: URL: Jalowski M. :Using Inspiration Cards for Designing Persuasive Technology to Improve Creative Situations In: Ali R., Lugrin B., Charles F. (ed.): Persuasive Technology. PERSUASIVE 2021. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 12684 , Cham : Springer , 2021 , p. 231-244 ISBN: 9783030794590 DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-79460-6_19 Eigner I. , Cooney A. :A Literature Review on Predicting Unplanned Patient Readmissions In: Wickramasinghe N., Bodendorf F. (ed.): Delivering Superior Health and Wellness Management with IoT and Analytics , Springer International Publishing , 2020 ISBN: 978-3-030-17347-0 DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-17347-0_12 URL: Roth A. , Oks SJ. :Künstliche Intelligenz als Treiber für Dienstleistungsinnovation In: Manfred Bruhn, Karsten Hadwich (ed.): Automatisierung und Personalisierung von Dienstleistungen , Wiesbaden : Springer Gabler , 2020 , p. 157-181 (Forum Dienstleistungsmanagement, Vol.2)ISBN: 978-3-658-30167-5 DOI: 10.1007/978-3-658-30168-2_6 URL: Fritzsche A. , Jonas J. , Roth A. , Möslein K. :Preface In: Albrecht Fritzsche, Julia M. Jonas, Angela Roth, Kathrin M. Möslein (ed.): Innovating in the Open Lab , 2020 , p. VII-X ISBN: 9783110633665 DOI: 10.1515/9783110633665-202 Jonas J. :Co-creating Value with Open Labs In: Albrecht Fritzsche, Julia M. Jonas, Angela Roth and Kathrin M. Möslein (ed.): Innovating in the Open Lab , Berlin : De Gruyter Oldenbourg , 2020 , p. 125–128 (De Gruyter Studies in Innovation and Entrepreneurship, 1)ISBN: 9783110633665 DOI: 10.1515/9783110633665-011 URL: Daiberl C. , Roth A. :Driving Service Productivity of Open Innovation Labs In: Albrecht Fritzsche, Julia M. Jonas, Angela Roth and Kathrin M. Möslein (ed.): Innovating in the Open Lab , Berlin : De Gruyter Oldenbourg , 2020 , p. 165–182 (De Gruyter Studies in Innovation and Entrepreneurship, 1)ISBN: 9783110633665 DOI: 10.1515/9783110633665-015 URL: Roth A. :Piloting in Open Innovation Labs – A Challenge for Local Ecosystems In: Albrecht Fritzsche, Julia M. Jonas, Angela Roth and Kathrin M. Möslein (ed.): Innovating in the Open Lab , Berlin : De Gruyter Oldenbourg , 2020 , p. 3-10 (De Gruyter Studies in Innovation and Entrepreneurship, 1)ISBN: 9783110633665 DOI: 10.1515/9783110633665-001 URL: Möslein K. :Understanding Open Labs – The Challenge of Place and Space In: Albrecht Fritzsche, Julia M. Jonas, Angela Roth and Kathrin M. Möslein (ed.): Innovating in the Open Lab , Berlin : De Gruyter Oldenbourg , 2020 , p. 185–190 (De Gruyter Studies in Innovation and Entrepreneurship, 1)ISBN: 9783110633665 DOI: 10.1515/9783110633665-016 URL: Greve K. , Jonas J. , Neely A. , Möslein K. :Unlocking Unique Value Through Co-Creation in Open Laboratories In: Albrecht Fritzsche, Julia M. Jonas, Angela Roth and Kathrin M. Möslein (ed.): Innovating in the Open Lab , Berlin : De Gruyter Oldenbourg , 2020 , p. 81–92 (De Gruyter Studies in Innovation and Entrepreneurship, 1)ISBN: 9783110633665 DOI: 10.1515/9783110633665-007 URL: Jalowski M. :Integrating Persuasive Technology in Participatory Design Workshops: Prototypes for Participant Support In: Sandra Burri Gram-Hansen, Tanja Svarre Jonasen, Cees Midden (ed.): Persuasive Technology. Designing for Future Change , Cham : Springer , 2020 , p. 30-42 (Lecture Notes in Computer Science)ISBN: 9783030457112 DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-45712-9_3 Höckmayr B. , Roth A. , Genenning SM. , Boukhris A. , Möslein K. , Kalb D. , Arnhold D. , Hohmann C. , Posselt T. , Danzinger F. , Eckert A. , Mittelstädt S. :Die systematische Entwicklung von Servicesystemen im digitalen Zeitalter – Ein Fakten-basierter Ansatz In: Beverungen D., Schumann J.H., Stich V., Strina G. (ed.): Dienstleistungsinnovationen durch Digitalisierung - Geschäftsmodelle – Methoden – Umsetzungsbeispiele , Berlin, Heidelberg : Springer Gabler , 2020 , p. 227-275 ISBN: 9783662621431 DOI: 10.1007/978-3-662-62144-8_5 Grotherr C. , Li MM. , Schymanietz M. , Fritzsche A. , Semmann M. , Peters C. , Böhmann T. , Leimeister JM. , Möslein K. :Gestaltungsdimensionen der Digitalisierung – Wie Dienstleistungssysteme den Wandel antreiben und welche Faktoren eine Rolle spielen In: Beverungen D., Schumann J.H., Stich V., Strina G. (ed.): Dienstleistungsinnovationen durch Digitalisierung , Springer Gabler , 2020 , p. 277-325 (Geschäftsmodelle – Methoden – Umsetzungsbeispiele)ISBN: 9783662621431 DOI: 10.1007/978-3-662-62144-8_6 Jalowski M. :Facilitating Participatory Design in the Cyber-Physical Lab In: Albrecht Fritzsche, Julia M. Jonas, Angela Roth and Kathrin M. Möslein (ed.): Innovating in the Open Lab , Berlin : De Gruyter , 2020 , p. 287–300 (De Gruyter Studies in Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Vol.1)ISBN: 9783110633665 DOI: 10.1515/9783110633665-025 URL: Jalowski M. , Fritzsche A. , Möslein K. :Applications for Persuasive Technologies in Participatory Design Processes In: Oinas-Kukkonen H, Win KT, Karapanos E, Karppinen P, Kyza E (ed.): Persuasive Technology: Development of Persuasive and Behavior Change Support Systems. PERSUASIVE 2019. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 11433 , Cham : Springer International Publishing , 2019 , p. 74-86 ISBN: 978-3-030-17287-9 DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-17287-9_7 Boukhris A. , Höckmayr B. , Genennig S. , Roth A. :Dienstleistungsentwicklung im digitalen Kontext – ein Plattformansatz In: Stich V., Schumann J., Beverungen D., Gudergan G., Jussen P. (ed.): Digitale Dienstleistungsinnovationen , Berlin, Heidelberg : Springer Vieweg , 2019 , p. 407-426 DOI: 10.1007/978-3-662-59517-6_20 URL: Fritzsche A. , Oks SJ. :Translations of Technology and the Future of Engineering In: Albrecht Fritzsche, Sascha Julian Oks (ed.): The Future of Engineering: Philosophical Foundations, Ethical Problems and Application Cases , Cham : Springer , 2018 , p. 1-12 (Philosophy of Engineering and Technology, Vol.31)ISBN: 978-3-319-91028-4 DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-91029-1_1 URL: Roth A. , Möslein K. , Reichwald R. :Der Kunde als Mitentwickler - Herausforderungen für die marktorientierte Führung In: Manfred Bruhn und Manfred Kirchgeorg (ed.): Marketing Weiterdenken. Zukunftspfade für eine marktorientierte Unternehmensführung , Wiesbaden : Springer Gabler , 2018 , p. 143-156 DOI: 10.1007/978-3-658-18538-1_11 Roth A. , Jonas J. :Dienstleistungsentwicklung im offenen Innovationslabor - Ein Blick durch die Unternehmensbrille In: Manfred Bruhn, Karsten Hadwich (ed.): Service Business Development , Wiesbaden : Springer Gabler , 2018 , p. 65-82 DOI: 10.1007/978-3-658-22424-0_3 Mertens P. , Barbian D. :Digitalisierung und Industrie 4.0 – eine kritische Sicht In: Bär C, Grädler T, Mayr R (ed.): Digitalisierung im Spannungsfeld von Politik, Wirtschaft, Wissenschaft und Recht , Wiesbaden : Springer , 2018 , p. 151-169 ISBN: 978-3-662-56437-0 Fritzsche A. , Raß M. , Jalowski M. :Einblicke in die Vielfalt von Verwertungsmaßnahmen des Förderschwerpunkts ITS|KRITIS In: Steffi Rudel, Ulrike Lechner (ed.): IT-Sicherheit für Kritische Infrastrukturen – State of the Art , 2018 , p. 109-111 Fritzsche A. , Jonas J. , Roth A. :Entwicklung digitaler Servicesysteme – Akteure, Ressourcen und Aktivitäten In: Meyer, K.; Klingner, St.; Zinke, Ch (ed.): Service Engineering - Von Dienstleistungen zu digitalen Service-Systemen , Wiesbaden : Springer Fachmedien , 2018 , p. 49-59 DOI: 10.1007/978-3-658-20905-6_4 URL: Rassmann P. , Grafmüller L. :Exploring drivers and barriers for sustainable use of resources: The case of high-tech mass customizers in the German textile industry In: Hankammer S, Nielsen K, Piller F T, Schuh G, Wang N (ed.): Customization 4.0 , Springer , 2018 , p. 301-313 Agarwal N. , Brem A. :Frugal and Reverse Innovation: Case Study Insights from a German Multinational In: John Ettlie, Ron Hira (ed.): Engineering Globalization Reshoring and Nearshoring: Management and Policy Issues , Singapore : World Scientific Publishing , 2018 , p. 193-203 (World Scientific Reference on Innovation, Vol.2) DOI: 10.1142/9789813149069_0013 Raß M. , Fritzsche A. , Jalowski M. , Möslein K. :Offene Innovationsprozesse für die IT-Sicherheit Kritischer Infrastrukturen – Impulse aus dem Projekt VeSiKi In: Ulrike Lechner, Sebastian Dännart, Andreas Rieb, Steffi Rudel (ed.): CASE|KRITIS: Fallstudien zur IT-Sicherheit in Kritischen Infrastrukturen , Berlin : Logos Verlag , 2018 , p. 213-218 ISBN: 978-3-8325-4727-1 DOI: 10.30819/4727 Fritzsche A. :Spreading innovations: Models, designs and research directions In: Diffusive spreading in nature, technology and society , Springer International Publishing , 2018 , p. 277-294 ISBN: 9783319677989 DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-67798-9_14 Buchner B. , Dännart S. , Diefenbach T. , Fritzsche A. , Harner A. , Hofmeier M. , Jalowski M. , Kipker DK. , Lechner U. , Möslein K. , Müller S. , Raß M. , Rieb A. , Rudel S. :VeSiKi – Das Begleitforschungsprojekt Vernetzte IT-Sicherheit Kritischer Infrastrukturen In: Steffi Rudel, Ulrike Lechner (ed.): IT-Sicherheit für Kritische Infrastrukturen – State of the Art , 2018 , p. 32-33 ISBN: 978-3-943207-34-7 Oks SJ. , Fritzsche A. , Möslein K. :An Application Map for Industrial Cyber-Physical Systems In: Sabina Jeschke, Christian Brecher, Houbing Song, Danda B. Rawat (ed.): Industrial Internet of Things – Cybermanufacturing Systems , Switzerland : Springer International Publishing , 2017 , p. 21-46 (Springer Series in Wireless Technology)ISBN: 978-3-319-42558-0 DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-42559-7_2 URL: Grafmüller L. , Möslein K. :Customer Co-Creation – Wie aus Kundenwünschen interaktiv ein Produktdesign entsteht In: Jung, H. H., & Kraft P. (ed.): Digital Vernetzt. Transformation der Wertschöpfung , München : Hanser , 2017 , p. 57 - 70 Grafmüller L. , Raß M. , Möslein K. :Die Genossenschaftsbank im Web 2.0 In: Prof. Dr. Kai Ingo Voigt (ed.): Die digitale Genossenschaftsbank. Strategische Herausforderungen und Implementierung , Oldenburg : DE Gruyter Oldenburg , 2017 , p. 9-21 Roth A. , Höckmayr B. , Möslein K. :Digitalisierung als Treiber für Faktenbasiertes Service-Systems-Engineering In: Manfred Bruhn, Karsten Hardwich (ed.): Dienstleistungen 4.0 - Konzepte-Methoden-Instrumente. Band 1. Forum Dienstleistungsmanagement , Wiesbaden : Springer , 2017 , p. 185-203 Barbian D. :Industrie 4.0 in der Lagerlogistik – Überblick, aktuelle Trends und Folgen für eine nachhaltige Entwicklung In: Glock, C. und Grosse, E. (ed.): Warehousing 4.0 – Technische Lösungen und Managementkonzepte für die Lagerlogistik der Zukunft , Lauda-Königshofen : B + G Wissenschaftsverlag , 2017 , p. 17-36 ISBN: 978-3-944325-07-1 Oks SJ. , Fritzsche A. , Möslein K. :Rollen, Views und Schnittstellen – Implikationen zur stakeholderzentrierten Entwicklung Sozio-Cyber-Physischer Systeme In: Angelika C. Bullinger-Hoffmann (ed.): S-CPS: Ressourcen-Cockpit für Sozio-Cyber-Physische Systeme , Chemnitz : aw&I - Wissenschaft und Praxis , 2017 , p. 61-79 ISBN: 13 978-3-944192-08-6 Möslein K. , Fritzsche A. :The Evolution of Strategic Options, Actors, Tools and Tensions in Open Innovation In: Nicole Pfeffermann, Julie Gould (ed.): Strategy and Communication for Innovation. Integrative Perspectives on Innovation in the Digital Economy. , 2017 , p. 61-76 Grafmüller L. , Habicht H. :Current Challenges for Mass Customization on B2B Markets In: Bellemare J, Carrier S, Nielsen K, Piller F T (ed.): Managing Complexity , Springer Proceedings in Business and Economics , 2016 , p. 269-279 Barbian D. :Our Common Waste - Solutions for a Sustainable Society In: Plöhn, J. und Chobanov, G. (ed.): Sustainability and Welfare Policy in European Market Economies , Frankfurt am Main : , 2016 , p. 119-136 (Sofia Conferences on Social and Economic Development in Europe, Vol.5) Barbian D. :Cyber-Physical Systems - Can They Contribute to More Sustainability? In: Herzog, Michael A. (ed.): Economics of communication: ICT driven fairness and sustainability for local and global marketplaces , Berlin : GITO-Verlag , 2015 , p. 29-44 ISBN: 978-3-95545-143-1 URL: Möslein K. , Schütz A. , Trinczek R. , Dornaus C. , Eichholz N. , Staples R. , Wendelken A. , Wolf D. :Grenzinnovator-Communities als Innovationstreiber im demografischen Wandel. Gestaltungsmöglichkeiten am Beispiel der Siemens AG In: Jeschke Sabine, Richert Anja, Hees Frank, Jooß Claudia (ed.): Exploring Demographics. transdisziplinäre Perspektiven zur Innovationsfähigkeit im demographischen Wandel , Wiesbaden : Springer Spektrum , 2015 ISBN: 978-3-658-08790-6 DOI: 10.1007/978-3-658-08791-3 Roth A. :On the Way to a Systematic Service Innovation Competence Framework In: Agarwal, R., Selen W., Roos G., & Green R. (ed.): The Handbook of Service Innovation , Heidelberg : Springer , 2015 ISBN: 978-1-4471-6589-7 Oks SJ. , Daiberl C. :Zahlen und Fakten zu Medical Valley Innovation In: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Erich R. Reinhardt, Prof. Dr. Kathrin M. Möslein (ed.): Connecting People, Innovating Health Care - Eine Fallstudie aus dem Medical Valley EMN , 2015 , p. 14-21 Open Access: URL: Habicht H. , Heidemann FWW. , Ross A. , Bessant J. , Möslein K. :Driving Productivity by Innovation? Analysing German Law Firms. In: Bessant John R., Möslein Kathrin M. (ed.): Driving Service Productivity: Value Creation Through Innovation , Cham, Heidelberg, New York, Dordrecht, London : Springer Verlag , 2014 , p. 113–130 Mertens P. , Barbian D. :Gute Universitätslehrer der Wirtschaftsinformatik – eine Voraussetzung für die Weiterentwicklung des Faches In: Brenner, W. und Hess, T. (ed.): Wirtschaftsinformatik in Wissenschaft und Praxis, Festschrift für Hubert Österle , Berlin Heidelberg : , 2014 , p. 271-285 Möslein K. , Dumbach M. , Reichwald R. :Informelle Zusammenarbeit und Technologie In: von Rosenstiel L, Regnet E, Domsch M E (ed.): Führung von Mitarbeitern. Handbuch für erfolgreiches Personalmanagement , Stuttgart : Schaeffer-Poeschel , 2014 , p. 590-601 Möslein K. , Lehmann C. :Nutzen statt Besitzen: Modelle für effektive Nutzung durch Digitalisierung In: Boes Andreas (ed.): Dienstleistung in der digitalen Gesellschaft. Beiträge zur Dienstleistungstagung des BMBF im Wissenschaftsjahr 2014 , Frankfurt/New York : Campus , 2014 , p. 233-234 URL: Möslein K. , Adamczyk S. , Raß M. , Bullinger AC. :Open Innovation im Gesundheitswesen: Das Beispiel einer Innovationsplattform zu seltenen Krankheiten In: Bieber D., Geiger M. (ed.): Personenbezogene Dienstleistungen im Kontext komplexer Wertschöpfung , Wiesbaden : Springer , 2014 , p. 278-285 ISBN: 978-3-531-19580-3 URL: Möslein K. :Open Innovation: Strategic Actions, Actors, Tools and Tensions In: Pfeffermann N., Minshall T., Mortara L. (ed.): Strategy and Communication for Innovations , Heidelberg, Dordrecht, London, New York : Springer , 2014 , p. 27-40 Kölling M. , Scheler J. , Neyer AK. , Möslein K. :Opponenten im Innovationsprozess: Eine empirisch fundierte Typologisierung In: Hölzle K, Gemünden H. G., Mirow Ch. (ed.): Innovationsbarrieren erkennen und überwinden: Strukturen gestalten und Innovatoren fördern , Wiesbaden : Gabler , 2014 , p. 141-153 Roth A. , Möslein K. :Produzenten als Dienstleister: Auf dem Weg zu interaktiven hybriden Wertschöfpungssystemen In: Schuh G, Stick V. (ed.): Enterprise-Integration - Auf dem Weg zum kollaborativen Unternehmen , Heidelberg : Springer Vieweg , 2014 , p. 139-151 Möslein K. , Lehmann C. :Service productivity at airports In: Bessant John R., Lehmann C, Möslein Kathrin M. (ed.): Driving Service Productivity. Value-creation through Innovation , Cham, Heidelberg, New York, Dordrecht, London : Springer , 2014 , p. 95-110 URL: Möslein K. :The Emergence of Platforms for Open and Crowdsourced Innovation In: van Delden C. (ed.): Crowdsourced Innovation. Revolutionizing Open Innovation with Crowdsourcing , Munich : innosabi GmbH , 2014 , p. 60-70 ISBN: 978300046081 URL: Schaltegger S. , Hansen E. :Industry Transformation through Sustainable Entrepreneurship. Examples in the Apparel and Energy Industries In: McIntosh M. (ed.): The Necessary Transition: The Journey towards the Sustainable Enterprise Economy , London : Greenleaf Publishing , 2013 , p. 182-197 ISBN: 978-1-907643-91-0 Möslein K. :Open Innovation: Actors, Tools and Tensions In: Huff, A.S., Möslein, K.M., Reichwald, R. (ed.): Leading Open Innovation , Cambridge MA : MIT Press , 2013 , p. 69-85 Möslein K. , Danzinger F. :Open Innovation – Communities zur Dienstleistungsentwicklung für Kunden und Mitarbeiter In: Dienstleistungsinnovationen offen sozial nachhaltig , Berlin : , 2013 , p. 31-41 Hansen E. , Große-Dunker F. :Sustainability-Oriented Innovation In: Idowu S. O., Capaldi N., Zu L., Das Gupta A. (ed.): Encyclopedia of Corporate Social Responsibility , Heidelberg, New York : Springer , 2013 , p. 2407-2417 ISBN: 978-3642280870 Künne C. , Möslein K. , Bessant J. :Towards Patients as Innovators: Open Innovation in Health Care In: Driving the Economy through Innovation and Entrepreneurship: Emerging Agenda for Technology Management , New Delhi : Springer , 2013 , p. 315-327 ISBN: 978-81-322-0745-0 DOI: 10.1007/978-81-322-0746-7_26 URL: Huff AS. , Neyer AK. , Möslein K. :Broader Methods to Support New Insights into Strategizing In: Golsorkhi, D., Rouleau, L., Seidl, D., Vaara, E. (ed.): Cambridge Handbook of Strategy as Practice , Cambridge University Press , 2012 , p. 201-206 Thallmaier S. , Habicht H. , Möslein K. :Innovation & Professionalisierung: Strategien (nicht nur) für Dienstleister In: Reichwald, R.; Frenz, M.; Hermann, S.; Schipanski, A. (ed.): Zukunftsfeld Dienstleistungsarbeit – Professionalisierung – Wertschätzung – Interaktion , Wiesbaden : Gabler Wissenschaft , 2012 , p. 103-126 ISBN: 978-3-8349-3434-5 URL: Bansemir B. , Neyer AK. , Möslein K. :Integrating corporate innovation communities: The role of structure and culture In: Heiß Hans-Ulrich, Pepper Peter, Schlingloff Holger, Schneider Jörg (ed.): Informatik schafft Communities : Beiträge der 41. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V. (GI), 4. - 7.10.2011 in Berlin , Bonn : Köllen Druck+Verlag GmbH , 2012 , p. 229 - 238 ISBN: 978-3-88579-286-4 Möslein K. , Bansemir B. , Haller J. :IT-gestützte Werkzeuge für Open Innovation In: Lang, Michael & Amberg, Michael (ed.): Dynamisches IT-Management , Düsseldorf : , 2012 , p. 419-441 ISBN: 978-3-86329-431-1 Hansen E. , Klewitz J. :Publicly Mediated Inter-Organizational Networks: A Solution for Sustainability-Oriented Innovation in SMEs? In: Wagner M (ed.): Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Sustainability , Greenleaf Publishing : Sheffield , 2012 , p. 254-278 ISBN: 978-1-906093-73-0 Möslein K. , Neyer AK. , Rau C. :Rumpelstiltskin is a thing of the past: Innovation Practices for creating service innovations In: Methods in Service Innovations: Current Trends and Future Perspectives , Stuttgart : Fraunhofer Verlag , 2012 , p. 51-54 ISBN: 978-3-8396-0360-4 Schaltegger S. , Hansen E. :Vom integrierten Umwelt- zum heutigen Nachhaltigkeitsmanagement: Eine Fallstudie aus der Telekommunikationsbranche im Lichte des Winter-Modells In: Seidel E. (ed.): Georg Winter - Pionier der umweltbewussten Unternehmensführung: Festschrift zum 70. Geburtstag , Marburg : Metropolis Verlag für Ökonomie , 2012 , p. 255-276 Schaltegger S. , Hansen E. :Wirtschaftswende durch nachhaltiges Unternehmertum In: Leitschuh-Fecht H., Michelsen G., Simonis U., Sommer J. (ed.): Jahrbuch Ökologie 2013: Wende überall ? , Stuttgart : Hirzel Verlag , 2012 , p. 64-75 ISBN: 978-3-7776-2278-1 Haller J. , Möslein K. :Innovationsbewertung und -verbesserung mit Hilfe mobiler Endgeräte In: Innovation durch Smartphone & Co. Die neuen Geschäftspotenziale mobiler Endgeräte , Duesseldorf : Symposion Publishing , 2011 , p. 153-176 Habicht H. , Möslein K. :Kompetenzentwicklung für offene Innovationsprozesse – Entwicklung eines Reifegradmodells In: Leimeister J. M., Krcmar H, Koch M, Möslein Kathrin M. (ed.): Gemeinschaftsgestützte Innovationsentwicklung für Softwareunternehmen , JOSEF EUL VERLAG GmbH , 2011 , p. 381–412 Habicht H. , Möslein K. , Reichwald R. :Open Innovation im Unternehemen: Ein Ansatz zur Balance von betrieblichem FuE-Management und Mitarbeiterkreativität In: Spath, D. (ed.): Wissensarbeit - Zwischen strenegen Prozessen und kreativem Spielraum Tagungsband 24 , Gito Verlag , 2011 , p. 51-68 (HAB Forschungsseminar 2011, Vol.24) Möslein K. , Bansemir B. :Strategic Open Innovation: Basics, Actors, Tools and Tensions In: Hülsmann, M., Pfeffermann, N. (ed.): Strategies and Communications for Innovations , Berlin : Springer , 2011 , p. 11-13 Renken U. , Bullinger-Hoffmann A. , Möslein K. :Was Forscher wollen - Akzeptanzfaktoren für die Nutzung sozialer Forschungsnetzwerke In: Meißner Klaus, Engelien Martin (ed.): Virtual Enterprises, Communities & Social Networks. Workshop GeNeMe \{$\backslash$textquoteright\}11. Gemeinschaften in Neuen Medien. TU Dresden, 07./08.09.2011 , Dresden : TUDpress Verlag der Wissenschaften Dresden , 2011 , p. 35–44 Habicht H. , Bansemir B. , Möslein K. :Zurück in die Zukunft? Open Innovation in der deutschen Softwareindustrie In: Leimeister Jan Marco, Krcmar H, Koch M, Möslein Kathrin M. (ed.): Gemeinschaftsgestützte Innovationsentwicklung für Softwareunternehmen , JOSEF EUL VERLAG GmbH , 2011 , p. 19–38 Möslein K. , Velamuri V. :Competence Center hybride Wertschöpfung In: Leimeister Jan Marco, Krcmar Helmut, Halle Martin, Möslein Kathrin M. (ed.): Hybride Wertschöpfung in der Gesundheitsförderung , Lohmar : Eul , 2010 , p. 191–198 Möslein K. , Velamuri V. , Adamczyk S. :Fallstudien Gesundheitswirtschaft In: Leimeister Jan Marco, Krcmar Helmut, Halle Martin, Möslein Kathrin M. (ed.): Hybride Wertschöpfung in der Gesundheitsförderung , Lohmar : Eul , 2010 , p. 223–238 Danzinger F. :Kundeninteraktionskompetenz in Industriegütermärkten: Eine empirische Studie zur Interaktions- und Lernorientierung In: Picot Arnold, Reichwald Ralf, Franck Egon, Möslein Kathrin M. (ed.): Markt- und Unternehmensentwicklung , 2010 Huff AS. , Möslein K. , Neyer AK. :Methods to Support Significant and Interesting Contributions to Strategizing Research In: Golsorkhi Damon, Rouleau Linda, Seidl David (ed.): Cambridge Handbook of Strategy as Practice , Cambridge University Press , 2010 , p. 201-216 ISBN: 0521517281 URL: Gomm M. , Hansen E. :Nachhaltige Mobilität durch Mitfahrkonzepte - Herausforderung und Lösungsansätze für eine bessere Auslastung bestehender Mobilitätsressourcen in privaten PKW In: Schönberger R., Elber R. (ed.): Dimensionen der Logistik – Funktionen, Institutionen und Handlungsebenen , Wiesbaden : Gabler Research , 2010 , p. 495-515 Möslein K. :Open Innovation - Chancen und Risiken In: Innovationsfähigkeit sichert Zukunft , Berlin : Duncker & Humbolt , 2010 , p. 25-28 Möslein K. , Bansemir B. :Open Innovation im Unternehmen In: Gatermann I., Fleck M. (ed.): Innovationsfähigkeit sichert Zukunft , Berlin : Duncker & Humblot , 2010 , p. 29-38 Reichwald R. , Möslein K. , Neyer AK. , Scheler J. :Open Innovation: Methodologische Präzisierung und praktische Umsetzung im Projekt Open-I: Open Innovation im Unternehmen In: Jacobsen H., Schallock B. (ed.): Innovationsstrategien jenseits traditionellen Managements , Stuttgart : Fraunhofer Verlag , 2010 , p. 243-250 Böhler D. , Bullinger-Hoffmann A. , Möslein K. :Structuring interaction in open collective work: A sensemaking perspective on ontologies In: Faehnrich K.-P., Franczyk Bogdan (ed.): Informatik 2010. Service Science - Neue Perspektiven für die Informatik. Lecture Notes in Informatics (LNI) - Proceedings, Series of the Gesellschaft fuer Informatik , 2010 , p. 979–984 Nepper P. , Danzinger F. :Virtuelle Verkehrszeichen - Vom Trend zur Umsetzung nutzungsgerechter Verkehrsinformationssysteme In: Heilmann Heidi (ed.): Humane Nutzung der Informationstechnologie , Heidelberg, Neckar : AKA , 2010 , p. 157–174 ISBN: 978-3-89838-636-4 Renken U. , Söldner J. , Bullinger-Hoffmann A. , Möslein K. :Wer mit wem und vor allem warum? Soziale Netzwerke für Forscher In: Meißner Klaus, Engelien Martin (ed.): Virtual Enterprises, Communities & Social Networks. Workshop GeNeMe \{$\backslash$textquoteright\}10. Gemeinschaften in Neuen Medien. TU Dresden, 07./08.10.2010 , Dresden : TUDpress Verlag der Wissenschaften Dresden , 2010 , p. 141-151 Möslein K. , Adamczyk S. , Velamuri V. :Wertschaffende Eigenschaften und Kategorien hybrider Wertschöpfung In: Leimeister Jan Marco, Krcmar Helmut, Halle Martin, Möslein Kathrin M. (ed.): Hybride Wertschöpfung in der Gesundheitsförderung , Lohmar : Eul , 2010 , p. 19–44 Möslein K. , Huff AS. :Framing Research on Service In: Ketchen Berg (ed.): Research Methodology in Strategy and Management, vol.5 , Elsevier BV , 2009 , p. 179-212 DOI: 10.1108/S1479-8387(2009)0000005008 Möslein K. , Velamuri V. :Hybrid value creation as innovation strategy In: Fisch Jan Hendrik, Roß Jan Michael (ed.): Fallstudien zum Innovationsmanagement , Wiesbaden, Germany : Gabler , 2009 , p. 485\{$\backslash$textendash\}500 ISBN: 978-3834910479 Möslein K. :Innovation als Treiber des Unternehmenserfolgs - Herausforderungen im Zeitalter der Open Innovation In: Zerfaß A, Möslein Kathrin M. (ed.): Kommunikation als Erfolgsfaktor im Innovationmanagement - Strategien im Zeitalter der Open Innovation , Wiesbaden : Gabler , 2009 , p. 3–22 Zerfaß A. , Möslein K. :Kommunikation im Innovationsprozess – Thesen für eine effektive Zusammenarbeit In: Möslein Kathrin M., Zerfaß A (ed.): Kommunikation als Erfolgsfaktor im Innovationmanagement - Strategien im Zeitalter der Open Innovation , Wiesbaden : Gabler , 2009 , p. 417–422 Möslein K. , Neyer AK. :Open Collaborative Development: Trends, Tools, and Tactics In: Human Comuter Interaction. New Trends. , Berlin : Springer , 2009 , p. 874-881 Möslein K. , Neyer AK. :Open Innovation: Grundlagen, Grenzen, Spannungsfelder In: Zerfaß A, Möslein Kathrin M. (ed.): Kommunikation als Erfolgsfaktor im Innovationsmanagement - Strategien im Zeitalter der Open Innovation , Wiesbaden : Gabler , 2009 , p. 85–103 Koch M. , Bullinger AC. , Möslein K. :Social Software für Open Innovation - Die Integration interner und externer Innovatoren In: Zerfaß A, Möslein Kathrin M. (ed.): Kommunikation als Erfolgsfaktor im Innovationmanagement - Strategien im Zeitalter der Open Innovation , Wiesbaden : Gabler , 2009 , p. 159–175 Reichwald R. , Möslein K. , Piller F. :Creating Value Interactively - Challenges for Company Management In: Buhse W, Stamer S (ed.): Enterprise 2.0 - The Art of Letting Go , Bloomington : Iuniverse Star , 2008 , p. 99–122 Möslein K. , Reichwald R. :Individuelle Führung in organisatorischen Führungssystemen In: Sackmann S A (ed.): Mensch und \Ö\}konomie , Wiesbaden : Gabler , 2008 , p. 336–347 Reichwald R. , Möslein K. , Piller F. :Interaktive Wertschöpfung: Herausforderungen für die Führung In: Buhse W, Stamer S (ed.): Enterprise 2.0 - Die Kunst loszulassen , Berlin : Rhombos , 2008 , p. 99–122 Reichwald R. , Siebert J. , Möslein K. :Leadership Excellence - Learning from an Exploratory Study on Leadership Systems in Large Multinationals In: Communication and Leadership in the 21st Century , G\ü\}tersloh : Bertelsmann-Stiftung , 2008 , p. 189–209 URL: Möslein K. , Bansemir B. :Open Innovation als Innovationsstrategie In: Gatermann I. (ed.): Technologie und Dienstleistung. Innovationen in Forschung, Wissenschaft und Unternehmen ; Beiträge der 7. Dienstleistungstagung des BMBF , Frankfurt am Main : Campus Verlag , 2008 , p. 301–310 Koch M. , Möslein K. :Diskontinuierliche Innovation fördern. Die Rolle von Idea Mirrors zur Unterstützung von Innovation und Kooperation im Unternehmen In: Proceedings der Tagung Wirtschaftsinformatik (2007) , Karlsruhe : Universitaetsverlag , 2007 , p. 787–804 Reichwald R. , Möslein K. , Piller F. :Führungssysteme auf dem Prüfstand: Ergebnisse einer explorativen Untersuchung In: Hausladen I (ed.): Management am Puls der Zeit. Festschrift f\ü\}r Horst Wildemann , Munich : TCW Transfer-Centrum , 2007 , p. 171–184 Möslein K. , Kölling M. :Interaktive hybride Wertschöpfung als Innovationsstrategie In: Streich D, Wahl D (ed.): Innovationsfähigkeit in einer modernen Arbeitswelt , Frankfurt : Campus , 2007 , p. 195–202 Huff AS. , Möslein K. :Management education and research in Germany In: Durand Pierre (ed.): The future of business schools , Palgrave , 2007 , p. 133–161 Reichwald R. , Möslein K. :Marktorientierte Führung in organisatorischen Führungssystemen In: Bruhn, M., Kirchgeorg, M., Meyer, J. (ed.): Marktorientierte Führung in wirtschaftlichen und gesellschaftlichen Wandel. Festschrift für Heribert Meffert , Wiesbaden : Gabler , 2007 , p. 47-62 Koch M. , Möslein K. :Digitale Identitäten in E-Business und Collaboration-Anwendungen In: Weissenberger-Eibl M (ed.): Unternehmen im Umbruch - Konzepte, Instrumente und Erfolgsmuster , Kassel : Cactus Group , 2004 , p. 361–387 Koch M. , Möslein K. , Wagner M. :Vertrauen und Reputation in Online-Anwendungen und virtuellen Gemeinschaften In: Meißner Klaus, Engelien Martin (ed.): Virtuelle Organisation und Neue Medien , Lohmar : Eul , 2000 , p. 69–84 Edited Volumes Zipse O. , Hornegger J. , Becker T. , Beckmann M. , Bengsch M. , Feige I. , Schober M. (ed.):Road to Net Zero. Strategic Pathways for Sustainability-Driven Business Transformation. Cham : 2023 ISBN: 9783031422232 DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-42224-9 Fritzsche A. , Jonas J. , Roth A. , Möslein K. (ed.):Innovating in the Open Lab Berlin : 2020 (De Gruyter Studies in Innovation and Entrepreneurship, 1)ISBN: 978-3-11-062821-0 DOI: 10.1515/9783110633665 URL: Möslein K. , Roth A. , Heuberger A. (ed.):SERVICE SYSTEMS ENGINEERING 2020 (OPEN SERVICE LAB NOTES, Vol. 6) DOI: 10.1007/s12599-014-0314-8 Fritzsche A. , Oks SJ. (ed.):The Future of Engineering: Philosophical Foundations, Ethical Problems and Application Cases Cham : 2018 (Philosophy of Engineering and Technology, Vol. 31)ISBN: 978-3-319-91028-4 DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-91029-1 Möslein K. , Bessant J. (ed.):Strategic leadership for sustainable competitiveness. International Journal of Technology Management 2017 Bessant J. , Lehmann C. , Möslein K. (ed.):Driving Service Productivity. Value-creation through Innovation Cham, Heidelberg, New York, Dordrecht, London : 2014 URL: Marheineke M. , Habicht H. , Möslein K. (ed.):Lowering Knowledge Boundaries Through Collaboration Technology: A Problem Identification Paderborn : 2014 ISBN: 978-3-00-045311-3 Augsdörfer P. , Bessant J. , von Stamm B. , Piller F. , Möslein K. (ed.):Discontinuous Innovation: Learning to Manage the Unexpected London : 2013 ISBN: 9781848167803 Huff AS. , Reichwald R. , Möslein K. (ed.):Leading Open Innovation Cambridge, Mass. : 2013 URL: Möslein K. , Reichwald R. , Kölling M. , Bienzeisler B. (ed.):Produktivitätsleitlinie Wissenschaftliche Basis und Service Science Stuttgart : 2013 ISBN: 978-3-8396-0506-6 Trinczek R. , Böhler D. , Eichler L. , Hallerstede S. , Krämer K. , Renken U. , Staples R. , Möslein K. (ed.):Working knowledge : Arbeit gestalten in der Innovationsgesellschaft Erlangen : 2013 Möslein K. , Trinczek R. , Bullinger-Hoffmann A. , Danzinger F. , Lücking S. (ed.):BALANCE Konferenzband: Flexibel, stabil und innovativ: Arbeit im 21. Jahrhundert Nürnberg : 2012 ISBN: 978-3869554990 URL: Möslein K. , Neyer AK. (ed.):Die Unternehmung: Special Issue "Open Innovation for the Greater Good" 2012 Möslein K. , Bullinger-Hoffmann A. , Eichler L. , Trinczek R. (ed.):Flexibel, stabil, innovativ: Arbeit im 21. Jahrhundert Nürnberg : 2012 ISBN: 978-3954040339 URL: Leimeister JM. , Krcmar H. , Koch M. , Möslein K. (ed.):Gemeinschaftsgestützte Innovationsentwicklung für Softwareunternehmen Lohmar, Köln : 2011 ISBN: 978-3844100921 URL: Möslein K. , Trinczek R. , Bullinger AC. , Danzinger F. , Lücking S. (ed.):BALANCE Konferenzband: flexibel, stabil und innovativ Göttingen : 2010 Leimeister JM. , Krcmar H. , Halle M. , Möslein K. (ed.):Hybride Wertschöpfung in der Gesundheitsförderung. Innovation – Dienstleistung – IT Lohmar : 2010 ISBN: 978-3-89936-914-4 URL: Möslein K. , Zerfaß A. (ed.):Kommunikation als Erfolgsfaktor im Innovationsmanagement: Strategien im Zeitalter der Open Innovation Wiesbaden : 2009 ISBN: 978-3-8349-1659-4 URL:;do=show/sid=2765954574a48a56211f61582569208/site=g/book_id=18705 Müller S. , Roth A. , Schmidt N. (ed.):Märkte, Anwendungsfelder und Technologien in der Logistik - Ergebnisse und Reflexion von 20 Jahren Logistikforschung Wiesbaden : 2009 ISBN: 978-3-8349-1821-5 Reichwald R. , Möslein K. , Kölling M. , Neyer AK. (ed.):Services Made in Germany: Ein Reiseführer Leipzig : 2008 ISBN: 978-3-00-024253-3 URL: Reichwald R. , Möslein K. , Kölling M. , Neyer AK. (ed.):Services Made in Germany: Ein Reiseführer Leipzig : 2008 ISBN: 978-3-00-024253-3 URL: Prockl Günter, Roth Angela, Pflaum Alexander, Bauer Angela (ed.):Entwicklungspfade und Meilensteine moderner Logistik - Skizzen einer Roadmap Wiesbaden : 2004 ISBN: 3-409-12649-x Conference Contributions Wilga M. , Hajjam L. , Lugmair N. , Schymanietz M. , Roth A. :Characterizing the Roles of AI-Enabled Non-Human Agents in Service Systems 19th International Conference on Wirtschaftsinformatik (Würzburg , 16. September 2024 - 19. June 2024 ) URL: Biba S. , Brechtelsbauer B. :Barriers Impeding the Large-Scale Adoption of People Analytics: A Technology-Organization-Environment Approach ICIS 2024 (, 15. December 2024 - 18. December 2024 )In: ICIS 2024 TREOS 2024 URL: Oks SJ. , Lehmann C. :Von Schach zu digitalen Wargames – Eine systematische Analyse des Einsatzes spielerischer Elemente in der militärischen Ausbildung (Aus)Bildungskongress der Bundeswehr (Hamburg , 3. September 2024 - 5. September 2024 )In: Game-based Learning und SeriousGaming für eine starke Demokratie – Chancen und Grenzen 2024 Sengewald T. , Posselt T. , Riemer M. :Who's got the power?: Examining the impact of digital open innovation platforms on social power dynamics in smart municipalities SIGMIS-CPR '23: 2023 Computers and People Research Conference (Pomona, CA , 1. June 2023 - 3. June 2023 )In: SIGMIS-CPR '23: Proceedings of the 2023 Computers and People Research Conference , New York, NY : 2024 DOI: 10.1145/3579168.3632731 Sengewald T. , Riemer M. , Posselt T. :A taxonomy of resident engagement barriers in public open innovation EGOV-CeDEM-ePart 2024 (Ghent University and KU Leuven, Ghent/ Leuven, Belgium , 1. September 2024 - 5. September 2024 )In: Jolien Ubacht, Joep Crompvoets, Csaba Csaki, Lieselot Danneels, Marijn Janssen, Marius Rohde Johannessen, Thomas Lampoltshammer, Habin Lee, Ida Lindgren, Sara Hofmann, Peter Parycek, Peter Parycek, Gabriela Viale Pereira, Gabriela Viale Pereira, Gerhard Schwabe, Gerhard Schwabe, Iryna Susha, Efthimios Tambouris, Efthimios Tambouris, Anneke Zuiderwijk, Anneke Zuiderwijk (ed.): Ongoing Research, Practitioners, Posters, Workshops, and Projects at EGOV-CeDEM-ePart 2024 2024 Open Access: URL: Wilga M. , Lugmair N. , Schymanietz M. , Roth A. :Boost Or Bust: Characterizing Value Co-Creation With AI-Based Non-Human Agents From A User Perspective 13th SERVSIG Conference (Bordeaux, Frankreich , 6. June 2024 - 8. June 2024 )Kirschbaum J. , Winkler C. :Exploring Ecosystem Concepts - A Topic Modeling Approach EURAM 2024 (University of Bath , 25. June 2024 - 28. June 2024 )Wadlinger J. , Oks SJ. , Möslein K. :Navigating the Innovation Landscape: Uncovering Dimensions Shaping Technology Transfer Support EURAM 2024 (Bath , 24. June 2024 - 28. June 2024 )Biba S. , Laumer S. :People Analytics as a Job Demand or Resource ECIS 2024 (, 17. June 2024 - 19. June 2024 )In: European Conference on Information Systems 2024 URL: Sengewald T. , Posselt T. , Riemer M. :Influence of Digital Open Innovation Platforms on Power Differentials within Municipalities 62nd Computers and People Research Conference: Trust and Legitimacy in Emerging Technologies: Organizational and Societal Implications for People, Places and Power, SIGMIS-CPR 2024 (Murfreesboro, TN , 29. May 2024 - 1. June 2024 )In: SIGMIS-CPR 2024 - Proceedings of the Computers and People Research Conference: Trust and Legitimacy in Emerging Technologies: Organizational and Societal Implications for People, Places and Power 2024 DOI: 10.1145/3632634.3655877 Sengewald T. , Tremmel A. :Teaching AI Literacy for Innovation: Work in Progress 62nd Computers and People Research Conference: Trust and Legitimacy in Emerging Technologies: Organizational and Societal Implications for People, Places and Power, SIGMIS-CPR 2024 (Murfreesboro, TN , 29. May 2024 - 1. June 2024 )In: SIGMIS-CPR 2024 - Proceedings of the Computers and People Research Conference: Trust and Legitimacy in Emerging Technologies: Organizational and Societal Implications for People, Places and Power 2024 DOI: 10.1145/3632634.3655874 Lugmair N. , Posselt T. , Kurtz J. , Ries L. , Roth A. :Managing collaboration for servitization – A service ecosystems perspective 33rd International RESER Conference 2023 (Sierre , 7. December 2023 - 9. December 2023 )Wang W. , Sengewald T. :The Contribution of International Students in Smart Cities Through Open Innovation 2024 Smart Cities Symposium Prague, SCSP 2024 (Prague , 23. May 2024 - 24. May 2024 )In: Jiri Ruzicka (ed.): 2024 Smart Cities Symposium Prague, SCSP 2024 - Proceedings 2024 DOI: 10.1109/SCSP61506.2024.10552732 Kuhn L. , Meier F. :Under the Neurodivergent Umbrella - A Qualitative Exploration of Neurodivergence and Remote Work 19th International Conference on Wirtschaftsinformatik (Würzburg , 16. September 2024 - 19. September 2024 ) URL: Kurtz J. , Meyer P. , Lugmair N. , Roth A. :Structuring the servitization journey – A socio-technical methodology for developing platform-based smart PSS 10th International Conference on Business Servitization (Barcelona , 9. November 2023 - 10. November 2023 )In: Ferran Vendrell-Herrero, Oscar F. Bustinza, Marco Opazo Basáez (ed.): Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Business Servitization (ICBS 2023) 2023 DOI: 10.3926/serv2023 Oks SJ. , Roth A. :Pesquisando a Indústria 4.0: Oportunidades e Desafios EnANPAD 2023 (São Paulo , 26. September 2023 - 28. September 2023 )Oßwald M. , Jonas JM. , Möslein K. :Co-Creating Ideas for Whom? An Overview of Subjectivity 24th CINet Conference (Johannes Kepler University Linz , 17. September 2023 - 19. September 2023 ) URL: Seilz V. , Krause-Söhner E. , Schaller C. , Roth A. :Multi-level interaction effects during digital innovation activities: A case study from a digital innovation unit in the paper processing industry British Academy of Management Conference 2023 (University of Sussex , 1. September 2023 - 6. September 2023 )In: BAM2023 Conference Proceedings 2023 Schopf P. , Jonas J. :Affordances of Augmented Reality Systems for Co-Located Collaboration Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS) (Lahaina, HI , 2. January 2023 - 6. January 2023 )In: Proceedings of the 56th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (ed.): Proceedings of the 56th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences 2023 Open Access: URL: Riihimäki J. , Shahzad K. :The “Dark Side” of Open Innovation in Emerging Markets: An Integrated Framework The 83rd Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (Boston, Massachusetts, USA , 4. August 2023 - 8. August 2023 )In: Academy of Management Proceedings , Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510: Academy of Management : 2023 DOI: 10.5465/AMPROC.2023.14974abstract Lugmair N. , Ries L. , Schymanietz M. , Beckmann M. , Roth A. :Making Sense of the Sustainable Smart PSS Value Proposition International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS) (Copenhagen, Denmark , 9. December 2022 - 14. December 2022 )In: ICIS 2022 Proceedings.3. 2022 URL: Oks SJ. , Fuchs J. , Mosig T. :Potentiale und Risiken künstlicher Intelligenz in der militärischen Ausbildung und Anwendung Symposium Ausbildung Luftwaffe (Köln , 30. November 2022 - 1. December 2022 )Oks SJ. , Fuchs J. , Mosig T. :Potentiale und Risiken künstlicher Intelligenz in der militärischen Ausbildung und Anwendung (Aus)Bildungskongress der Bundeswehr (Hamburg , 13. September 2022 - 15. September 2022 )In: Digitale (Aus-) Bildung: Wird Intelligenz tatsächlich „künstlich“? 2022 Kirschbaum J. , Posselt T. , Roth A. :Use-Case-based Innovation for Artificial Intelligence - An ontological Approach Thirtieth European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2022) (Timișoara , 21. June 2022 - 24. June 2022 )Sengewald T. , Posselt T. :A Taxonomy of Engagement Barriers for Municipal Climate Action Planning: Work in Progress 17th International Conference on Wirtschaftsinformatik (Nürnberg , 18. February 2022 - 23. February 2022 )In: Wirtschaftsinformatik 2022 Proceedings 2022 URL: Busch J. , Sengewald T. , Haag S. :Identifying Customer Values of B2C-Fintech Services in the Area of Personal Financial Management 17th International Conference on Wirtschaftsinformatik (Nürnberg , 18. February 2022 - 23. February 2022 )In: Wirtschaftsinformatik 2022 Proceedings 2022 URL: Kurtz J. , Meyer P. , Roth A. :Servitization in Germany – Establishing the context of servitization in manufacturing firms 9th International Conference on Business Servitization: Servitization as a springboard for enhancing sustainable manufacturing (Málaga , 17. November 2022 - 18. November 2022 )In: Ferran Vendrell-Herrero, Oscar F. Bustinza, Marco Opazo Basáez (ed.): Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Business Servitization (ICBS 2022) , Barcelona : 2022 DOI: 10.3926/serv2022 URL: Oks SJ. , Jalowski M. :Industrie 4.0 – von der Vision zur Anwendung: Eine Stakeholder-zentrierte und personalfokussierte Methode #NUEdialog (Nürnberg , 27. October 2021 - 27. October 2021 ) Open Access: URL: Fuchs J. , Schneider R. , Oks SJ. , Franke J. :Service-based integration of modular control components in digital manufacturing platforms 2021 IEEE 19th International Conference on Industrial Informatics (INDIN) (Palma de Mallorca , 21. July 2021 - 23. July 2021 ) DOI: 10.1109/INDIN45523.2021.9557380 URL: Dumbach P. , Liu R. , Jalowski M. , Eskofier B. :The Adoption Of Artificial Intelligence In SMEs - A Cross-National Comparison In German And Chinese Healthcare 20th International Conference on Perspectives in Business Informatics Research (BIR 2021) Workshops (ILOG 2021) (Vienna, Austria (fully-virtual conference) , 22. September 2021 - 24. September 2021 )In: Forbig P., Hinkelmann K., Kirikova M., Lantow B., Møller C., Morichetta A., Plebani P., Re B., Sandkuhl K., Seigerroth U. (ed.): Joint Proceedings of the BIR 2021 Workshops and Doctoral Consortium co-located with 20th International Conference on Perspectives in Business Informatics Research (BIR 2021) 2021 URL: Kirschbaum J. , Schymanietz M. , Möslein K. :The How and Why of AI Dcotroal Colloquium EURAM 2021 (online , 14. June 2021 - 15. June 2021 )Sengewald T. , Jalowski M. , Schymanietz M. :A Software Ecosystem for the Development of Digital Service Design Tools: A Conceptual Framework Wirtschaftsinformatik 2021 (Virtuell , 9. March 2021 - 11. March 2021 )In: Wirtschaftsinformatik 2021 Proceedings 2021 DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-86790-4_15 URL: Wilga M. , Jalowski M. , Kirschbaum J. , Roth A. :A Systematic Characterization of Artificial Intelligence Business Models as a Fundament for Business Model Innovation and Strategic Decision-Making 21st European Academy of Management (EURAM) Conference 2021 (Montreal/virtual , 16. June 2021 - 18. June 2021 )Hille M. , Izlisu MD. , Bodendorf F. :Interdisciplinary Service Development for Construction Suppliers with the Help of an Innovation Support System AHFE Conference on the Human Side of Service Engineering, 2021 (Online , 25. July 2021 - 29. July 2021 )In: Christine Leitner, Walter Ganz, Debra Satterfield, Clara Bassano (ed.): Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems 2021 DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-80840-2_16 Kirschbaum J. , Schymanietz M. , Möslein K. :Roleplaying in inter-organisational relationships – The Case of AI-based Innovation Ecosystems BAM Doctoral Conference 2021 (online , 24. March 2021 - 24. March 2021 )Meyer P. , Nelson A. , Schymanietz M. :Retail Managers’ Perceptions of Service Robots in Organizational Frontlines – A Mixed Methods Approach 20th Conference of the European Academy of Management (EURAM) (Dublin , 4. December 2020 - 6. December 2020 )Figalist I. , Dieffenbacher M. , Eigner I. , Bosch J. , Olsson HH. , Elsner C. :Mining customer satisfaction on b2b online platforms using service quality and web usage metrics 27th Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference, APSEC 2020 (Singapore , 1. December 2020 - 4. December 2020 )In: Proceedings - Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference, APSEC 2020 DOI: 10.1109/APSEC51365.2020.00052 Meyer P. , Jonas J. , Roth A. :Exploring Customers' Acceptance of and Resistance to Service Robots in Stationary Retail - a Mixed Method Approach 28th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2020) (Marrakesch , 15. June 2020 - 17. June 2020 )In: ECIS 2020 Research Papers (ed.): ECIS 2020 Research Papers 2020 Open Access: URL: Sengewald T. , Boha J. , Roth A. :How does the User Type Affect the Acceptance of Digital Innovation on the Job SIGMIS-CPR’20 (Nuremberg , 19. June 2020 - 21. June 2020 )In: Proceedings of the 2020 on Computers and People Research Conference 2020 DOI: 10.1145/3378539.3393845 Meyer P. :Managing Robotics in Retail: A Service Systems Perspective WI 2020: DOCTORAL CONSORTIUM (Berlin , 7. March 2020 - 8. March 2020 )Sengewald T. , Roth A. :User Experience of Creativity Support Tools – A Literature Review in a Management Context 15th International Conference on Wirtschaftsinformatik (Potsdam , 8. March 2020 - 11. March 2020 ) DOI: 10.30844/wi_2020_r14-sengewald Schymanietz M. , Jonas J. :The Roles of Individual Actors in Data-Driven Service Innovation – A Dynamic Capabilities Perspective to Explore its Microfoundations Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences 2020 (Wailea, HI , 7. January 2020 - 10. January 2020 )In: Proceedings of the 53rd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences 2020 DOI: 10.24251/hicss.2020.142 URL: Krause E. , Roth A. , Schaller C. :Organizational ambidexterity from a process-oriented perspective: A systematic literature review European Academy of Management (EURAM) Annual Conference 2020 (Dublin, Ireland) (Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland , 4. December 2020 - 6. December 2020 )Jalowski M. , Schymanietz M. , Möslein K. :Supporting Participants in Creative Processes 20th European Academy of Management (EURAM) Conference 2020 (Dublin , 3. December 2020 - 7. December 2020 )In: 20th European Academy of Management (EURAM) Conference 2020 2020 Jalowski M. , Schymanietz M. , Möslein K. :Supporting Participants in Creative Processes: Opportunities for Persuasive Technology in Participatory Design International Conference on Information Systems (Hyderabad , 13. December 2020 - 16. December 2020 )In: Proceedings of the Forty-First International Conference on Information Systems 2020 Roth N. , Roth A. :Managing New Workspace Concepts—A Strategic Change Project in a German Insurance Company British Academy of Management (Birmingham )Krause E. , Roth A. , Schaller C. :Towards a model of ambidexterity change: A multi-level case study in a German multi-campus university BAM British Academy of Management Conference 2019 (Aston University in Birmingham )Förster M. , Bansemir B. , Roth A. :Understanding the Role of Data for Innovating Business Models: A System Dynamics Perspective 14th International Conference on Wirtschaftsinformatik (Siegen, Germany , 23. February 2019 - 27. February 2019 )Oßwald M. , Jonas J. :The IKEA Effect in Innovation Co-Creation 18th Open and User Innovation Conference (OUI) (Utrecht University , 8. July 2019 - 10. July 2019 )Meyer P. , Jonas J. , Roth A. :Frontline employees’ acceptance of and resistance to service robots in stationary retail - an exploratory interview study 19th Conference of the European Academy of Management (EURAM) (Lisboa , 26. June 2019 - 28. June 2019 ) DOI: 10.15358/2511-8676-2020-1-21 Boukhris A. , Fritzsche A. :WHAT IS SMART ABOUT SERVICES? BREAKING THE BOND BETWEEN THE SMART PRODUCT AND THE SERVICE 27th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS) (Stockholm & Uppsala , 8. June 2019 - 14. June 2019 )In: Proceedings of the 27th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS) 2019 URL: Krause E. :Strategically influencing the multi-level dynamics of ambidexterity in academia – A longitudinal case study in a multi-campus university. 10th EURAM Early Career Colloquium (EECC) (Nürnberg )Agarwal N. , Schymanietz M. , Fritzsche A. :A Frugal Support Structure for New Software Implementations in SMEs 14. Internationale Tagung Wirtschaftsinformatik (WI) (Siegen , 23. February 2019 - 27. February 2019 )Boha J. , Jonas J. , Möslein K. :Aligning Value Propositions in Service Ecosystems EURAM - European Academy of Management (Lissabon , 26. June 2019 - 29. June 2019 )Schymanietz M. , Genennig S. , Smolenski D. , Jonas J. :Data analytics in the sports industry – new service, new revenue. European Academy of Management (EURAM) Conference 2019 (Lisbon , 26. June 2019 - 28. June 2019 )Genennig S. , Schymanietz M. , Roth A. :Digitization-Enabled Innovation in Sports - A Service Systems' Perspective on Professional Soccer Players European Academy of Management (EURAM) Conference 2019 (Lisbon, Portugal )Boukhris A. , Fritzsche A. :Dynamic role of resources in smart service systems – Applying actor-network theory to service platform modularity Competitive Advantage in the Digital Economy (Venice )Krause E. , Roth A. , Schaller C. , Möslein K. :Managing the Dynamics of Ambidexterity: A longitudinal case study of the European Envelope-Industry 2019 R&D Management Conference (Paris , 17. June 2019 - 21. June 2019 )Krause E. , Roth A. , Schaller C. :Strategic ambidexterity development in a public service context: Changing the focus on short-term improvements and long-term innovation in a multi-campus university. European Academy of Management (EURAM) Annual Conference 2019 (Lisbon, Portugal )Fritzsche A. , Bohnert A. :Structural change in insurance: The emergence of comprehensive value networks 1st Workshop on Systemic Risks in Global Networks, SysRisk 2019 (Siegen , 24. February 2019 )In: Fabian Lorig, Ingo J. Timm, Peter Mertens (ed.): CEUR Workshop Proceedings 2019 Fritzsche A. , Oks SJ. , Mosig T. :Bildung als Schlüssel zur Digitalen Transformation und der Mehrwert militärischer Ausbildungsformate (Aus)Bildungskongress der Bundeswehr (Hamburg , 4. September 2018 - 6. September 2018 )Roth N. :Facilitating organizational goals through co-created workspace concepts British Academy of Management (BAM) Doctoral Symposium (Bristol )Oks SJ. , Fritzsche A. , Möslein K. :Industrial cyber-physical systems from a stakeholder perspective R&D Management Conference (RADMA) (Milan , 30. June 2018 - 4. July 2018 )In: Proceedings of the R&D Management Conference (RADMA) 2018 Förster M. , Bansemir B. , Roth A. :Data as Curse or Blessing. Business Model Innovation from the Perspective of System Dynamics European Academy of Management (EURAM) Conference 2018 (Reykjavik , 19. June 2018 - 22. June 2018 )Oks SJ. , Fritzsche A. , Möslein K. :Design and Evaluation of a Portable Industrial Demonstrator for Cyber-Physical Systems 13th International Conference on Design Science Research in Information Systems and Technology (Chennai , 3. June 2018 - 6. June 2018 )In: Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Design Science Research in Information Systems and Technology 2018 Krause E. :The dynamics of organizational ambidexterity – An analysis about the role of organizational identity in strategic change Doctoral Colloquium of the18th EURAM Conference (Reykjavik, Island , 18. June 2018 - 19. June 2018 )Oks SJ. , Fritzsche A. :More than new technical devices: a semiotic look at the digital transformation of industry Forum on Philosophy, Engineering & Technology (fPET) (Berwyn , 30. May 2018 - 1. June 2018 )Kollwitz C. , Perez Mengual M. , Dinter B. :Cross-Disciplinary Collaboration for Designing Data-Driven Products and Services 2018 Pre-ICIS SIGDSA Symposium on Decision Analytics Connecting People, Data & Things (San Francisco )In: Proceedings of the 2018 Pre-ICIS SIGDSA Symposium. 2018 URL: Genennig S. , Pauli T. , Roth A. , Möslein K. :Digitization-enabled Innovation in Service Systems: An Empirical Analysis of the German MDAX Companies European Academy of Management (EURAM) Naik HS. , Fritzsche A. :Enabling the Democratization of Innovation with Smart Toolkits 38th International Conference on Information Systems: Transforming Society with Digital Innovation, ICIS 2017 URL: Genennig S. , Roth A. :How Digitization is Changing Technology Management for Service Innovation – an Integrated Method RESER Conference Grafmüller L. , Rein H. :How to capture uncomplex customer specifications for complex product co-creation: Designing a toolkit for the B2B context 8th International Conference on Mass Customization and Personalization - Community of Europe Fritzsche A. :Implications of agile manufacturing in the automotive industry for order management in the factories-evidence from the practitioner's perspective 51st CIRP Conference on Manufacturing Systems, CIRP CMS 2018 DOI: 10.1016/j.procir.2018.03.127 Schymanietz M. , Jonas J. , Möslein K. :Innovating data-driven services – What makes it special? European Academy of Management (EURAM) Conference 2018 (Reykjavik , 19. June 2018 - 22. June 2018 )Roth N. , Roth A. :Key challenges in developing and implementing new workspace concepts. RESER annual conference (Gothenburg) RESER (The European Association for REsearch on SERvices) annual conference (Gothenburg )Daiberl C. , Naik HS. , Roth A. :Proposing the NSPIRE Technique: Improving Productivity of Networked Service Delivery R&D Management Conference Perez Mengual M. , Jonas J. , Schmitt-Rüth S. , Danzinger F. :Tools for collaborating and interacting in Living Labs ServDes (Milano , 18. June 2018 - 20. June 2018 ) URL: Boha J. , Jonas J. , Möslein K. :Value propositions - a systematic literature review EURAM - European Academy of Management Conference Oks SJ. , Fritzsche A. , Möslein K. :Qualifikationsbedarfe im Wandel – Implikationen aus Industrie 4.0 zur Ausarbeitung eines Qualifikationsübersetzungsschlüssels zwischen zivilen und militärischen Fähigkeiten (Aus)Bildungskongress der Bundeswehr (Hamburg , 12. September 2017 - 14. September 2017 )Oks SJ. :Die vernetzte Instandhaltung im Kontext von Industrie 4.0 – Perspektiven für die Arbeit der Zukunft Praxiswissenschaftsdialog Arbeiten 4.0: Vernetzte Prozesse und Assistenzsysteme in der Praxis (Frankfurt , 29. June 2017 - 29. June 2017 )Mosig T. , Lehmann C. , Rabes K. :Current Challenges in Teaching and Coaching Innovation & Entrepreneurship: A Need Analysis ISPIM Innovation Symposium (Wien , 18. June 2017 - 21. June 2017 )In: The International Society for Professional Innovation Management (ISPIM) (ed.): ISPIM Innovation Symposium 2017 Schymanietz M. , Jonas J. , Möslein K. :Data-driven service innovation - An exploration of actors and challenges in the German manufacturing industry EURAM Höckmayr B. , Roth A. :Design of a Method For Service Systems Engineering in the Digital Age In: Proceedings of the 38th Internationcal Conference on Information Systems (ICIS) 2017 Boha J. , Jonas J. , Möslein K. :Evolution of Value Propositions in Innovation Ecosystems RESER - the European Association for Research on Services Höckmayr B. , Roth A. , Möslein K. :Initial Design of a Method for Service Systems Engineering in the Digital Age 17h European Academy of Management Conference (EURAM) (Glasgow )Rudel S. , Raß M. , Jalowski M. :IT-Sicherheit für Kritische Infrastrukturen DACH Security 2017 (München )In: DACH Security 2017. Tagungsband zur Konferenz 5.-6.9.2017 in München 2017 Grafmüller L. , Velamuri V. , Möslein K. :Strategies for value co-creation in complex B2B Settings: A provider´s perspective XXVIII ISPIM Innovation Conference Dinter B. , Kollwitz C. , Fritzsche A. :Teaching data driven innovation – facing a challenge for higher education Americas Conference on Information Systems: A Tradition of Innovation, AMCIS 2017 URL:∨igin=inward Dinter B. , Kollwitz C. , Fritzsche A. :Teaching data driven innovation – facing a challenge for higher education America's Conference on Information Systems: A Tradition of Innovation, AMCIS 2017 URL: Jovanovic T. , Bansemir B. , Kirchner M. , Voigt KI. :The Crowdfunding Idea Contest of BMW International Association for Management of Technology (IAMOT) Conference (Vienna , 14. May 2017 - 18. May 2017 )Genennig S. , Jonas J. , Möslein K. :The integration of digital resources into service systems: drivers and challenges 9th Service Operations Management Forum Genennig S. , Roth A. , Möslein K. :The integration of digital technologies into service systems R&D Management Conference (RADMA) Jalowski M. , Fritzsche A. :A framework for the acquisition of IT security as a service system Ein Rahmenwerk zur Erfassung von IT-Sicherheit als Service-System Multikonferenz Wirtschaftsinformatik, MKWI 2016 - Multi-Conference on Information Systems, MKWI 2016 URL:∨igin=inward Daiberl C. , Roth A. , Möslein K. :Approaches for Enhancing Productivity of Networked Service Delivery: A Review and Assessment 26th Annual RESER Conference Dinter B. , Kollwitz C. , Möslein K. , Roth A. :Combining open innovation and knowledge management for a community of practice-an analytics driven approach In: Proceedings of the Twenty-second Americas Conference on Information Systems 2016 Jonas J. , Roth A. , Möslein K. :Complexity and interdependencies of actor integration for service innovation in service systems? Insights from the exploration of micro level practices 5th Formum on markets and marketing FMM 2016 Daiberl C. , Roth A. , Möslein K. :Conceptualizing productivity within a service network: The case of JOSEPHS® Euroma Konferenz (Trondheim )Jonas J. , Möslein K. :Cross-organizational innovation: Implications for collaborative R&D Strategies R&D Management Conference Krämer K. , Scheiner C. , Baccarella C. :Cruel Intentions? - The Role of Moral Awareness, Moral Disengagement, and Regulatory Focus in the Unethical Use of Social Media by Entrepreneurs. International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) (Toronto , 17. July 2016 - 22. July 2016 )Oks SJ. :Cyber-physical systems – Can technology be smart? Forum on Philosophy, Engineering & Technology (fPET) (Nürnberg , 18. May 2016 - 20. May 2016 )Daiberl C. , Höckmayr B. , Roth A. , Möslein K. :Developing new services for e-mobility: An integrated inline-offline co-creation approach innteract 2016 Daiberl C. , Roth A. , Möslein K. :Enhancing Service Productivity: A Review of Approaches from a Service Network Perspective Reser Conference (Neapel )Hankammer S. , Jiang R. , Kleer R. , Schymanietz M. :From Phonebloks to Google Project Ara. A Case Study of the Application of Sustainable Mass Customization 3rd ICRM 2016 International Conference on Ramp-Up Management DOI: 10.1016/j.procir.2016.04.157 Oks SJ. , Fritzsche A. , Möslein K. :Industrie 4.0 erfolgreich implementieren – Eine Morphologie für unternehmensindividuelle Lösungen 4. Markt&Technik Summit Industrie 4.0 & Industrial Internet (München , 18. October 2016 - 19. October 2016 )Roth A. , Jonas J. , Genennig S. , Möslein K. :Innovation in Service Ecosystems: A role perspective RESER annual conference (Neapel )Fritzsche A. , Oks SJ. :Learning to speak “digital” – how industry applies cyber-physical design concepts in new systems implementations Information Systems Foundations Workshop: Theorising Digital Innovation (Canberra , 15. September 2016 - 15. September 2016 )Grafmüller L. , Habicht H. , Möslein K. :Mass Customization and B2B markets-A stocktaking of current challenges R&D Management Conference (Cambidge )Gebhardt R. , Grafmüller L. , Barteld M. , Mosig T. :Mass-customized Technical Textiles - Challenges to the Textile Industry of tomorrow 24th International IFATCC Congress Fritzsche A. , Boukhris A. , Möslein K. :Persuasive Technologies for Funtional Interaction in Cities Persuasive Technologies 2016 Höckmayr B. , Roth A. , Möslein K. :Service Systems Engineering Triggered by Digitalization – a Conceptual Framework 16th European Academy of Management Conference (EURAM) (Paris )Höckmayr B. , Genennig S. , Roth A. , Möslein K. :Service Systems Engineering Triggered by Digitization – Evidence from German Manufacturing SMEs 16th European Association for Research on Services Conference (RESER) (Neapel )Naik HS. , Velamuri V. , Möslein K. :Simplifying Solution Space: A Multiple Case study on 3D Printing Toolkits (accepted for publication) ECIS - European Conference on Information Systems (Istanbul , 12. June 2016 - 15. June 2016 )Boha J. , Jonas J. , Möslein K. :Stakeholder Engagement in Inter-Organisational Social Networks International Colloquium on Relationship Marketing Wolpert S. , Roth A. :Technology as a service enabler in retail environments. 26th Annual Reser Conference Oks SJ. , Fritzsche A. , Lehmann C. :The digitalisation of industry from a strategic perspective R&D Management Conference (RADMA) (Cambridge , 4. July 2016 - 6. July 2016 )Grafmüller L. , Habicht H. :The value of mass-customized products. Exploring its peculiarities for business customers 7th International Conference on Mass Customization and Personalization in Central Europe Daiberl C. , Roth A. , Möslein K. :Towards Perceived Service Interaction Productivity: A Proposed Conceptual Model KSS Workshop Marheineke M. , Rabes K. , Doll K. , Möslein K. :Towards Shared Understanding: Suggesting Priciples for Boundary Objects´Use in Innovation Communities Multikonferenz Wirtschaftsinformatik (MKWI) Boukhris A. , Fritzsche A. , Möslein K. :Towards the Design of a Persuasive Technology for Encouraging Collaborative Prototyping Personalization in Persuasive Technology Schymanietz M. , Agarwal N. :User Generated Services during Software Introductions OpenSym '16 (Berlin , 17. August 2016 - 19. August 2016 )In: Proceedings of the 12th International Symposium on Open Collaboration 2016 Naik HS. , Möslein K. :User Innovation in Open Design XXVII ISPIM Innovation Conference Möslein K. , Fritzsche A. , Bauer B. , Schätz B. , Schmidt J. :Zirkeltraining für die Geschäftsentwicklung - der Gründerparcours als interaktives Format zur Förderung angehender Entrepreneure 20. Interdisziplinäre Jahreskonferenz zu Entrepreneurship, Innovation und Mittelstand (HHL Leipzig , 6. October 2016 - 7. October 2016 )Scheiner C. , Baccarella C. , Krämer K. , Bessant J. , Voigt KI. :Why Gamification Fights Evil Annual Interdisciplinary Conference on Entrepreneurship and Innovation (G-Forum) (Kassel , 8. October 2015 - 9. October 2015 )Scheiner C. , Baccarella C. , Krämer K. , Voigt KI. :Moral Disengagement in Idea Competitions – The Dark Side of Participation Open and User Innovation Society Conference (OUI) (Lisbon , 13. July 2015 - 15. July 2015 )Fritzsche A. , Möslein K. :Accelerating Scientific Research with Open Laboratories British Academy of Management Oks SJ. :A cross-domain comparison of application areas for service systems based on cyber-physical systems 8th Service Operations Management Forum (Nürnberg , 3. December 2015 - 4. December 2015 )Jonas J. , Roth A. , Möslein K. :Actor integration in service systems – exploring effects on a micro level The 2015 Naples Forum on Service (Naples )Jonas J. , Roth A. , Möslein K. :Co-Creating Innovation in Service Systems - Exploring the Effects of Cross-Disciplinary Problem Solving 2015 EurOMA Conference (Neuchatel )Oks SJ. , Fritzsche A. :Importance of user role concepts for the implementation and operation of service systems based on cyber-physical architectures innteract (Chemnitz , 7. May 2015 - 8. May 2015 )Oks SJ. , Fritzsche A. :Maintenance as a service system in the context of the internet of things 1st Service Systems Forum (Venedig , 26. May 2015 - 27. May 2015 )Bergner S. , Buchner S. , Dännart S. , Fritzsche A. , Harner A. , Harth S. , Jalowski M. , Kipker DK. , Lechner U. , Möslein K. , Rieb A. , Riedl M. :Networked IT-Security for critical Infrastructures - The Research Agenda of VeSiKi Future Security Söldner C. , Roth A. , Möslein K. :Opening Embedded Systems for open Innovation Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS 2015) (Singapore )Fritzsche A. , Roth A. , Möslein K. :Open Innovation for Innovation Tools: the Case of Co-Design Platforms International Symposium on Open Collaboration (OpenSym '15) (New York )In: Proceedings of the International Symposium on Open Collaboration 2015 Habicht H. , Möslein K. :Open Innovation für Gesundheitsinnovation innteract2015 (Chemnitz )Posselt T. , Roth A. , Fuhrmann O. , Danzinger F. :Organisational Competence for Servitization: Challenges and Determinants The Spring Servitization Conference 2015 (Aston University, Birmingham )Posselt T. , Roth A. :Organizational Competence for Servitization in Wholesaling EURAM Conference (Warsaw )Seif H. , Puchan J. , Mayer D. , Möslein K. , Jung HH. , Oks SJ. :Produzierende Unternehmen in Deutschland auf dem Weg zu Industrie 4.0 - Erste Erkenntnisse auf Basis einer Delphi-Studie 11. Symposium für Vorausschau und Technologieplanung (Berlin , 29. October 2015 - 30. October 2015 )Daiberl C. , Roth A. , Höckmayr B. , Möslein K. :Project CODIFeY: Community-based Service Innovation for E-Mobility XXVI ISPIM Innovation Conference (Budapest )Roth A. , Jonas J. , Fritzsche A. , Danzinger F. , Möslein K. :Spaces for Value Co-Creation: The Case of “JOSEPHS® - The Service Manufactory” EURAM Conference (Warsaw )Krämer K. , Roth A. , Möslein K. :A Case About the Diffusion of Co-Creation Expertise in Organizations ISPIM Dublin (Dublin )Agarwal N. , Brem A. , Grottke M. :A unified innovation approach to emerging markets: Imperatives to play and win the game 21st International Product Development Management Conference (Limerick, Ireland )In: European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management (ed.): Proceedings: Innovation Through Engineering, Business & Design 2014 Roth A. , Möslein K. , Jonas J. :Bringing interactive hybrid value creation to downtown retailers - towards a service-manufactory Cambridge Service Week (Cambridge )Jonas J. , Roth A. , Möslein K. :Co-Creating Service Innovation in Interdependent Service Systems Forum on Markets & Marketing Karlstad Fritzsche A. :Cross-fertilization vs. Collaboration in simulations of open innovation 10th International Symposium on Open Collaboration, OpenSym 2014 DOI: 10.1145/2641580.2641597 Naik HS. :Dynamic Interfaces for User Innovation 12th International Open and User Innovation Conference Krämer K. , Roth A. , Möslein K. :Exploring the diffusion of co-creation expertise in organizations. 21st International Product Development Management Conference Scheiner C. , Krämer K. , Möslein K. , Voigt KI. :Inducing Change with an Online Ideation Game Open and User Innovation Society Conference (OUI) (Cambridge , 28. July 2014 - 30. July 2014 )Barbian M. , Künneth R. , Möslein K. , Oks SJ. :Industrie 4.0: Geschäftsmodelle und Umsetzung für den Mittelstand 2. Markt&Technik Summit Industrie 4.0 (München , 14. October 2014 - 15. October 2014 )Rapp M. , Krämer K. , Roth A. , Schmitz-Dräger C. :Kollaborative Gestaltung innovativer Mobilitätskonzepte 6. Wissenschaftsforum Mobilität Duisburg - Proceedings Marheineke M. , Habicht H. , Möslein K. :Lowering Knowledge BoundariesThrough Collabortion Technology: A Problem Identification (Kundisch, D., Suhl, L., & Beckmann, L., Ed.) Multikonferenz Wirtschaftsinformatik (MKWI 2014) Daiberl C. , Oks SJ. :Open Innovation for the Medical Technology Industry OpenSym: The International Symposium on Open Collaboration (Berlin , 27. August 2014 - 29. August 2014 )Jonas J. , Roth A. , Möslein K. :Open Service Design? Exploring Customer Co-Creation in a Service Manufactory ServDes Lancaster Naik HS. :Organizing Resources for Toolkits The International Symposium on Open Collaboration Jonas J. , Roth A. , Möslein K. :Stakeholder integration for service innovation in German medium-sized enterprises 24th Annual RESER Conference (Helsinki )Jonas J. , Roth A. :Stakeholder Integration in Service Innovation - An Explorative Case Study on Health Care Solutions Development EURAM Valencia Marheineke M. , Habicht H. , Möslein K. :Standing in Misunderstanding: Analyzing Boundary Objects’ Effectiveness in Innovation Communities R&D Management Conference 2014 Fritzsche A. , Jonas J. , Möslein K. , Roth A. :Systematic Service Development: Exploring the Role of the Setting R&D Management Conference Barbian D. :What Makes an Enterprise Sustainable? or: is „Green“ Really „Green“? 5th European Conference on Intellectual Capital (Bilbao , 11. April 2013 - 12. April 2013 )In: Lidia Garcia, Arturo Rodriguez-Castellanos and Jon Barrutia-Guenaga (ed.): Proceedings of the 5th European Conference on Intellectual Capital, University of the Basque Country, Bilbao, Spain, 11-12 April 2013 2013 Posselt T. , Roth A. :A Framework for the Assessment of Collaborative Competences in Servitizing Firms R&D Management 2013 Plieth H. , Habicht H. , Möslein K. :Agents in Organizational Innovation Communities: The Wind of Change XXIV ISPIM Conference – Innovating in Global Markets: Challenges for Sustainable Growth (Helsinki )Olschewski M. , Renken U. , Bullinger AC. , Möslein K. :Are You Ready to Use? Assessing the Meaning of Social Influence and Technology Readiness in Collaboration Technology Adoption 46th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, January 7-10, 2013 (Maui , 7. January 2013 - 10. January 2013 )Ammann E. , Fritzsche A. :A topological approach to knowledge management and development in a company Knowledge and Information Management Conference: Sustainable Quality, KIM 2013 URL: Krawatzek R. , Hofmann M. , Jacobi F. , Dinter B. :Constructing Software-Intensive Methods: A Design Science Research Process with Early Feedback Cycles Eighth International Conference on Design Science Research in Information Systems and Technology (DESRIST) (Helsinki , 11. June 2013 - 12. June 2013 ) DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-38827-9_41 McKiernan P. , Möslein K. , Neyer AK. :Contextual perspectives of leader sense-giving: Understanding the role of organisational leadership systems ANZAM 2013 Conference (Horbat, Tasmania , 4. December 2013 - 6. December 2013 )Roth A. , Möslein K. , Jonas J. :Joseph’s - The Service Manufactory Cambridge Service Week - Academic Conference Roth A. , Möslein K. , Jonas J. :Josephs - The Service Manufactory Cambridge Service Week - Academic Conference Cambridge (Cambridge )Hansen E. , Schaltegger S. :Multidimensional Performance Measurement Meets Sustainability: A Systematic Review of the Sustainability Balanced Scorecard British Academy of Management (CAM) Conference “Managing to Make a Difference” Künne C. , Akenroye T. , Möslein K. :Open Innovation Intermediaries in Healthcare European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS) (Utrecht ) URL: Jonas J. , Möslein K. , Roth A. :Passive integration or mutual co-creation? Exploring the role of stakeholders in service innovation QUIS 13 (Karlstad )Neyer AK. , Möslein K. , McKiernan P. :The Contextual Perspective of Leader Sensegiving: Understanding the Role of Organizational Leadership Systems EURAM 2013. Democratising Management (Istanbul )Rabes K. :The Mediating Role of Task Formulation in Crowdsourcing Environments Doctoral Consortium der WI 2013 (Leipzig )In: Tagungsband zum Doctoral Consortium der WI 2013 2013 Tietze F. , Hansen E. :To own or to use? How product-service systems facilitate eco-innovation behavior: Accepted at Academy of Management (AOM) Annual Conference 2013, Orlando, Florida Academy of Management (AOM) Annual Conference 2013 Söldner C. , Roth A. , Danzinger F. , Möslein K. :Towards Open Innovation in Embedded Systems AMCIS 2013 (Chicago, IL , 15. August 2013 - 17. August 2013 )Posselt T. , Roth A. , Förstl K. :A Systematic Assessment of Empirical Research in Success Factors in New Service Development EURAM Danzinger F. , Dumbach M. , Möslein K. :At the Edge and Innovative – The Role of Boundary Innovators in Demographic Change European Academy of Management (EURAM) Conference (Rotterdam )Hallerstede S. , Bullinger-Hoffmann A. , Möslein K. :Community-basierte Open Innovation von der Suche bis zur Implementierung – der Fall des Innovationsintermediärs innosabi Multikonferenz Wirtschaftsinformatik 2012 (MKWI) (Braunschweig )Hallerstede S. , Bullinger-Hoffmann A. , Möslein K. :Design and Management of Web-Based Innovation Communities: A Lifecycle Approach Eighteenth Americas Conference on Information Systems (Seattle, WA )Roth A. , Hofmann B. :Evolving crucial competences for a systematic service innovation process - A conceptual framework Reser Conference 2012 Wendelken A. , Danzinger F. , Rau C. , Möslein K. :Innovation Without Me: Why Employees Do (Not) Participate in Organizational Innovation Communities RD Management Conference 2012 (Grenoble )Roth A. , Daiberl C. :On the way to a systematic service innovation framework from a competence-based perspective Cambridge Service Week Söldner C. , Danzinger F. , Roth A. , Möslein K. :Open Innovation by opening embedded systems GeNeMe 2012 (Dresden , 4. October 2012 - 5. October 2012 )Velamuri V. , Bansemir B. , Neyer AK. , Möslein K. :Product service systems as a driver for business model innovation European Academy of Management (EURAM) Annual Conference 2012 (Rotterdam )Dumbach M. , Danzinger F. , Möslein K. :Rewiring Employees Through Innovation Communities – Investigating the Antecedents of Social Capital IPDMC Raß M. , Bullinger-Hoffmann A. , Möslein K. :Team Performance in Open Innovation Settings: The Role of Internal and External Social Capital R&D Management Conference 2012 Möslein K. , Bansemir B. , Haller J. , Velamuri V. :The hidden objectives of open evaluation: an exploratory study European Academy of Management (EURAM) Annual Conference 2012 Raß M. , Bullinger-Hoffmann A. , Möslein K. :The Social Side of Open Innovation: The Role of Social Capital in Open Innovation Communities 10th International Open and User Innovation Conference (Harvard Business School, Boston, MA )Bullinger-Hoffmann A. , Möslein K. , Raß M. :Towards Open Innovation in Health Care Proceedings of the European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS) (Barcelona , 10. June 2012 - 13. June 2012 )In: Proceedings of the European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS) , Barcelona, Spain : 2012 Fritzsche A. :Patenting as a Communicative Act and its Cultural Conditions Adamczyk S. , Böhler D. , Bullinger-Hoffmann A. , Möslein K. :Facilitating interaction in web-based communities: The case of a community for innovation in healthcare Paper presented at the 41th Gesellschaft für Informatik Conference (GI) Habicht H. , Pößl A. , Möslein K. :How do professional service firms innovate? A review of 35 years of research IPDM Conference 2011, Delft Fritzsche A. :Ideas About Profitability in Research and Development and the Selective Pressure From Management Accounting Adamczyk S. , Bullinger-Hoffmann A. , Möslein K. :Innovation contests: a review, critique and future research directions 11th European Academy of Management Conference (EURAM) Rau C. , Neyer AK. , Möslein K. :Innovation Practices and Their ’Boundary-Crossing Mechanisms’: a Review and Proposals for the Future European Academy of Management Conference (EURAM) Künne C. , Adamczyk S. , Raß M. , Bullinger-Hoffmann A. , Möslein K. :IT-Based Interaction Platforms to Foster Virtual Patient Communities GeNeMe \{$\backslash$textquoteright\}11 Adamczyk S. , Haller J. , Bullinger-Hoffmann A. , Möslein K. :Knowing is Silver, Listening is Gold: On the importance and impact of feedback in IT-based innovation contests Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Wirtschaftsinformatik In: Bernstein A., Schwabe Gerhard (ed.): Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Wirtschaftsinformatik 2011 URL: Raß M. , Dumbach M. , Danzinger F. , Bullinger-Hoffmann A. , Möslein K. :Open Innovation and Firm Performance: Investigating the Mediating Role of Social Capital R&D Management Conference 2011 Habicht H. , Möslein K. , Reichwald R. :Open Innovation im Unternehmen: Ein Ansatz zur Balance von betrieblichem FuE-Management und Mitarbeiterkreativität Wissensarbeit - Zwischen strengen Prozessen und kreativem Spielraum. Tagungsband 24. HAB-Forschungsseminar 2011 Habicht H. , Möslein K. , Reichwald R. :Open Innovation in Unternehmen: Ein Ansatz zur Balance von betrieblichem FuE-Management und Mitarbeiterkreativität. Wissensarbeit - Zwischen strengen Prozessen und kreativem Spielraum (Spath, D., Ed.) HAB Forschungsseminar (Berlin )Habicht H. , Bullinger-Hoffmann A. , Möslein K. :Open Innovation Werkzeuge: Wohin geht die Reise? Innovation im Dienste der Gesellschaft: Beiträge des 3. Zukunftsforums Innovationsfähigkeit des BMBF Künne C. , Raß M. , Adamczyk S. , Bullinger-Hoffmann A. , Möslein K. :Patients as Innovators: An Open Innovation Perspective on Health 2.0 2011 World Conference on Mass Customization, Personalization, and Co-Creation URL: Rau C. , Neyer AK. , Möslein K. :Playing possum, hide-and-seek, and other behavioural patterns: crossing knowledge boundaries in innovation projects British Academy of Management Conference (BAM) Haller J. , Adamczyk S. , Bansemir B. , Bullinger-Hoffmann A. , Möslein K. :Tell me how good I am - An Empirical Investigation of Peer Feedback in IT-based Innovation Contests International Product Development Conference (IPDMC) Fritzsche A. , Geiger R. :The Strategies and Tactics of Patent Management and Their Importance for Competitive Advantage Bullinger AC. , Renken U. , Möslein K. :Understanding Online Collaboration Technology Adaption by Researchers - a Model and Empirical Study. 32nd International Conference in Information Systems (ICIS 2011) Renken U. , Bullinger AC. , Möslein K. :Was Forscher wollen - Akzeptanzfaktoren für die Nutzung sozialer Forschungsnetzwerke (Meißner,K. & Engelien, M., Ed.), Virtual Enterprises, Communities & Social Networks. Möslein K. :Auf dem Weg zur Mitmachwissenschaft! - Academia (Teil 2) IF-Forums bei der InterFace AG URL: Möslein K. :Auf dem Weg zur Mitmachwissenschaft! - Diskussion (Teil 3) IF-Forums bei der InterFace AG URL: Möslein K. :Auf dem Weg zur Mitmachwissenschaft! - OpenInnovation (Teil 1) IF-Forums bei der InterFace AG URL:İDw Adamczyk S. , Bullinger-Hoffmann A. , Möslein K. :Call for Attention - Attracting and Activating Innovators R&D Management Conference Adamczyk S. , Bullinger AC. , Möslein K. :Commenting for new ideas: Insights from an open innovation platform R&D Management Conference Spitzeck H. , Hansen E. :Corporate Responsibility Evolution Models: Concepts, Evidence and Implications 2010 European Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS) Colloquium Füller J. , Möslein K. , Hutter K. , Haller J. :Evaluation Games – How to Make the Crowd your Jury. Service Science – Neue Perspektiven für die Informatik. Lecture Notes in Informatics (LNI) - Proceedings, Series of the Gesellschaft für Informatik, Volume P-175 Velamuri V. , Neyer AK. , Möslein K. :Hybrid value creation: Understanding the value creating attributes Multikonferenz Wirtschaftsinformatik (MKWI) 2010 (Göttingen , 23. February 2010 - 25. February 2010 )Bullinger-Hoffmann A. , Möslein K. :Innovation Contests - Where are we? AMCIS 2010 Bullinger-Hoffmann A. , Möslein K. :Innovation Contests – Where are we? AMCIS 2010 Proceedings URL: Bansemir B. , Neyer AK. , Möslein K. :Intra-organizational innovation communities: Towards a framework European Academy of Management (EURAM) Conference 2010 Hallerstede S. , Neyer AK. , Bullinger-Hoffmann A. , Möslein K. :Normalo? Tüftler? Profi? - Eine Typologisierung von Innovationswettbewerben Multikonferenz Wirtschaftsinformatik (MKWI) 2010 Möslein K. , Bullinger AC. , Kölling M. , Niehaves B. :Service Innovation & Open Collective Work (Vorwort) Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V. (GI) Jahrestagung 2010 Kölling M. , Neyer AK. , Scheler J. , Möslein K. :Shedding light on innovation opponents 17th International Product Development Management Conference 2010 Bullinger-Hoffmann A. , Hallerstede S. , Renken U. , Söldner J. , Möslein K. :Towards Research Collaboration – a Taxonomy of Social Research Network Sites AMCIS 2010 (Lima , 12. August 2010 - 15. August 2010 )König A. , Dumbach M. :Towards Resolving the First Mover / Later Entrant Debate - A Cognitive Institutionalist Model of Technology Adoption Timing and Success Pfingsttagung, Verband der Hochschullehrer für Betriebswirtschaft (Bremen , 27. May 2010 - 29. May 2010 )Renken U. , Söldner J. , Bullinger-Hoffmann A. , Möslein K. :Wer mit wem und vor allem warum? Soziale Netzwerke für Forscher Virtual Enterprises, Communities & Social Networks. Workshop GeNeMe ’10. Gemeinschaften in Neuen Medien. TU Dresden, 07./08.10.2010 Raß M. , Bullinger-Hoffmann A. , Möslein K. :What Makes Our Team Creative? Is It Me, Us, or the Others? – Insights from Teams in a Competitive Open Innovation Setting Networking and Electronic Commerce Research Conference 2010 Raß M. , Bullinger-Hoffmann A. , Möslein K. :What Really Matters When it Comes to Team Creativity: Team Members’ Creative Personality, Team-internal Knowledge Transfer or Boundary Spanning? European Academy of Management (EURAM) Annual Conference 2010 Sohn S. , Beckmann M. , Raß M. , Schöffski O. , Sippel W. , Zagel C. , Beckmann K. :Berufgruppenspezifische Akzeptanz der elektronischen Patientenakte im Kontext der Geburtshilfe In: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Medizinische Informatik, Biometrie und Epidemiologie. , Düsseldorf : 2009 DOI: 10.3205/09gmds296 Sohn S., Beckmann M., Rass M., Schöffski O., Sippel W., Zagel C., Beckmann K.:Berufsgruppenspezifische Akzeptanz der elektronischen Patientenakte 54. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft f\ü\}r Medizinische Informatik, Biometrie und Epidemiologie (Essen , 7. September 2009 - 10. September 2009 ) Bullinger-Hoffmann A. , Haller J. , Möslein K. :Innovation Mobs - Unlocking the Innovation Potential of Virtual Communities AMCIS 2009 Proceedings URL: Adelhelm S. , Neyer AK. , Möslein K. , Reger G. :Managing Open Innovation Processes – Practice meets Theory. Workshop R&D Management Conference (Vienna, Austria )Möslein K. , Bullinger-Hoffmann A. :Open Collaborative Development: Trends, Tools, and Tactics 13th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (HCII) 2009 (San Diego, CA , 19. July 2009 - 24. July 2009 ) DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-02574-7_97 Möslein K. , Neyer AK. , Piller F. :Professional Development Workshop "Exploring openess of innovation: A methodological discourse". Academy of Management Meeting Söldner J. , Haller J. , Bullinger-Hoffmann A. , Möslein K. , Hansen E. , Karagiannis D. , Fill H. :Supporting Research Collaboration – On the Needs of Virtual Research Teams 9th International Conference on Business Informatics 2009 Hansen E. , Bullinger-Hoffmann A. , Reichwald R. :Corporate Responsibility and Responsibility Leadership Systems: An Exploratory Study in German MNCs 3rd International Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Conference Velamuri V. , Neyer AK. , Möslein K. :Hybrid Value Creation as Innovation Strategy 8th Annual Conference of the European Academy of Management (EURAM) 2008 Möslein K. , Neyer AK. :Open Innovation within the firm Open Innovation and User Innovation Workshop. Harvard Business School/MIT School of Management. Neyer AK. , Doll B. , Möslein K. :Prototyping Service Innovation Symposium "Service Innovation" in the innovation track at European Academy of Management (EURAM) Conference 2008 Bessant J. , von Stamm B. , Möslein K. :Selection Strategies for Discontinous Innovation 8th Annual Conference of the European Academy of Management (EURAM) (Ljubljana )Bessant J. , von Stamm B. , Möslein K. :Selection Strategies for Discontinuous Innovation 8th Annual Conference of the European Academy of Management (EURAM) 2008 Velamuri V. , Neyer AK. , Möslein K. :What influences the design of hybrid products? Lessons learned from the preventive health-care industry 15th International Product Development Management (IPDM) Conference Koch M. , Möslein K. :Diskontinuierliche Innovation fördern - Die Rolle von Idea Mirrors zur Unterstützung von Innovation und Kooperation im Unternehmen Wirtschaftinformatik Proceedings 2007 URL: Koch M. , Möslein K. :Community Mirrors for supporting corporate innovation and motivation European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS) 2006 (Goteborg , 12. June 2006 - 14. June 2006 )Bauer A. :Modelling of Warehouses in logistical networks Doctoral Seminar CLM Conference (New Orleans )Bauer A. :Wechselwirkungen zwischen Transport- und Lagerströmen – Ansätze aus Praxis und Theorie, Gesellschaft für Operations Research Planung von Distributionsnetzwerken für Neufahrzeuge Bauer A. :Forschungsergebnisse zur Transportsteuerung der Zukunft - Tourengebietsplanung und Tourenplanung Bundesverband Deutscher Postdienstleister (BvDP) – BvDP Arbeitskreis Verkehr (Bonn )Bauer A. :Partner-spreading Long Distance Traffic Networks International Workshop on Distribution Logistics (St. Gallen )Bauer A. , Feige DM. , Werr H. , Klaus P. :From Tour Planning to Area Management: Tour Area Planning for Logistic Service Providers Sixth International Workshop on Distribution Logistics (St. Gallen )Bauer A. :The Practice of Distribution Network Planning: Coping with Shortcomings in Import Data Quality Sixth International Workshop on Distribution Logistics (St. Gallen )Thesis Perez Mengual M. :Designing Physical Interaction Platforms (Dissertation, 2024 ) URL: Meyer P. :Managing Robotics in Retail - A Service Systems Perspective (Dissertation, 2022 ) URL: Sengewald T. :Designing an Engagement Platform for Municipal Climate Action Planning Addressing Equity and Justice (Master thesis, 2021 )Eicher S. :Uncovering Covert Innovation (Dissertation, 2021 ) DOI: 10.1007/978-3-658-31620-4 Boha J. :Managing Value Propositions in Service Ecosystems (Dissertation, 2021 ) DOI: 10.1007/978-3-658-31713-3 URL: Söldner JH. :Understanding Social Research Networking Sites (Dissertation, 2021 ) DOI: 10.1007/978-3-658-31575-7 URL: Krause E. :Dynamics of Organizational Ambidexterity. Studies from a Processual Constructivist Perspective (Dissertation, 2021 ) URL: Jalowski M. :Revolutionizing Workshops - Supporting Participants' Creativity with Persuasive Technology (Dissertation, 2021 ) DOI: 10.1007/978-3-658-33312-6 URL: Grafmüller L. :Co-Creation of High-Tech Products in the B2B Domain (Dissertation, 2020 ) DOI: 10.1007/978-3-658-28412-1 URL: Schymanietz M. :Capabilities for Data-Driven Service Innovation (Dissertation, 2020 ) DOI: 10.1007/978-3-658-31691-4 Rabes K. :How Ants Build Pyramids: The Concept of Task/Technology Fit in Crowdsourcing (Dissertation, 2020 ) DOI: 10.1007/978-3-658-27439-9 URL: Daiberl C. :Reflections and conclusion: Driving networked service productivity (Dissertation, 2020 ) DOI: 10.1007/978-3-658-29580-6_6 URL: Genennig S. :Realizing Digitization-Enabled Innovation (Dissertation, 2020 ) URL: Maurer F. :Towards a Strategic Management Framework for Engineering of Organizational Robustness and Resilience (Dissertation, 2020 ) URL: Genennig S. :Realizing Digitization-Enabled Innovation: A Service Systems Perspective for Management (Dissertation, 2019 ) URL: Höckmayr B. :Engineering Service Systems in the Digital Age (Dissertation, 2019 ) DOI: 10.1007/978-3-658-26203-7 URL: Posselt T. :Organizational Competence for Servitization (Dissertation, 2018 ) DOI: 10.1007/978-3-658-20096-1 URL: Künne C. :Online Intermediaries for Co-Creation: An Explorative Study in Healthcare (Dissertation, 2018 ) URL: Sengewald T. :Gestaltung von Benutzeroberflächen eines Artefakts zum Design von digitalisierten Service Systemen (Bachelor thesis, 2018 )Naik HS. :Simplifying Solution Space: Enabling Non-Expert Users to Innovate and Design with Toolkits (Dissertation, 2017 ) URL: Söldner C. :Open Innovation in Embedded Systems (Dissertation, 2016 ) URL: Marheineke M. :Designing Boundary Objects for Virtual Collaboration (Dissertation, 2016 ) URL: Harutyunyan N. :A Theory of Best Practices of User Experience Design in Software Product Lines (Master thesis, 2016 ) URL: Krause E. :Role of change management in context of SAP-ERP system implementation (Master thesis, 2014 )Miscellaneous Hajjam L. , Koustas SG. , Kurtz J. , Lugmair N. :HARMONIZING INNOVATION PROCESSES 7 (2023 ) Open Access: URL: Koustas SG. , Reichenstein T. :Blockchain und digitaler Schatten: Potenzial und Herausforderungen für KMU In: Blockchain - Transparent, sicher und unveränderbar? , 2023 , p. 10 - 13 Open Access:üre_Blockchain_X9zzMby.pdf URL:üre_Blockchain_X9zzMby.pdf Böhmann T. , Roth A. , Satzger G. , Kurtz C. , Lewandowski T. , Wilga M. , Hottum P. , Schemmer M. :Dienstleistungswende zur Nachhaltigkeit (2023 ) URL:²/arbeitspapier2022/ Roth A. , Benz C. , Wilga M. , Satzger G. , Böhmann T. , Hottum P. , Lewandowski T. :KI-Paradigmenwechsel der Wertschöpfung: Die Triade "Dienstleistung - Arbeit - KI" gestalten (2023 ) URL:²/Whitepaper2023/ Sengewald T. , Höckmayr B. , Roth A. , Hohmann C. , Danzinger F. , Kalb D. :SERVICE SYSTEMS ENGINEERING 6 (2020 )Oßwald M. , Jonas J. , Raß M. :Selecting Co-Creators for Open Innovation 5 (2019 )Oks SJ. , Howaldt T. , Möslein K. , Korff C. , Steinmetz I. :Smart City – Die digitale Transformation deutscher Städte und Gemeinden (2018 )Barbian D. , Jenne A. :Gutes Leben für alle! Wie viel Gemeinwohl brauchst du? In: Julie Miltenberger (ed.): Wasser-Mangel, Wasser-Privatisierung, Wasser-Fußabdruck, ,...
Wasser - für alle! , Erlangen : , 2018 , Article No.: September 2018 URL: 2018.pdf Möslein K. :Schöne neue Arbeitswelt? Industrie 4.0 (2018 )Posselt T. , Hohmann C. , Boukhris A. , Genennig S. , Höckmayr B. , Danzinger F. , Roth A. , Möslein K. :Industrial Service Clouds: Entwicklung eines Kriterienkatalogs und Identifikation von Entwicklungsbedarfen (2018 )Kollwitz C. , Daiberl C. , Dinter B. , Roth A. , Möslein K. :Gemeinsam unter Strom: Community-basierte Dienstleistungsinnovation für e-Mobility (2018 )Schymanietz M. , Genennig S. , Hunke F. , Jonas J. , Kühne B. , Schüritz R. , Seebacher S. , Böhmann T. , Möslein K. , Satzger G. :Data-Driven Service Business Models 4 (2018 )Karzel D. , Klinger P. :Cui bono? Wozu Smart Contracts gut sind 3 (2017 )ISSN: 1431-4436 Klinger P. , Karzel D. :Vom Smart Contract zur DApp - Prototyping einer Blockchain-Anwendung 4 (2017 )ISSN: 1431-4436 Abraham M. , Grimm V. , Lorek K. , Möslein K. , Niessen C. , Schnabel C. , Wrede M. :To track or not to track? LASER Discussion Paper, No. 101, Erlangen-Nürnberg. (2017 ) URL: Genennig S. , Hunke F. , Jonas J. , Möslein K. , Oks SJ. , Satzger G. , Schüritz R. , Schymanietz M. , Seebacher S. :Smart Services 3 (2017 )Mertens P. , Barbian D. :Alles digital oder was? In: Sprachnachrichten , 2017 , p. 31 Barbian D. :Umweltmanagement – wozu? (2016 ), p. 10-11 Fritzsche A. , Boukhris A. , Möslein K. :Persuasive Technologies for Functional Interaction in Cities (2016 )Daiberl C. , Höckmayr B. , Roth A. , Möslein K. :Online-Offline Co-Creation für die Entwicklung neuer Dienstleistungen: Eine Anwendung im Kontext der E-Mobilität (2016 )Daiberl C. , Danzinger F. , Dinter B. , Hess J. , Höckmayr B. , Jonas J. , Kollwitz C. , Luzsa R. , Putz M. , Roth A. , Schmitt-Rüth S. , Wehnert P. :Online-Offline Co-Creation 2 (2016 )Greve K. , Martinez V. , Jonas J. , Neely A. , Möslein K. :Facilitating co-creation in living labs: The JOSEPHS study. Workshop series. (2016 )Grafmüller L. , Raß M. , Möslein K. :Die Genossenschaft im Web 2.0: Social Media richtig einsetzen (2015 )Jonas J. , Möslein K. :Micro Service Markets 1 (2014 )Barbian D. :Nachhaltigkeit: Eine Notwendigkeit im Anlagenbau? In: VDE Nordbayern (ed.): Mitteilungen Nr. 4/2013 der VDE Nordbayern , 2013 URL: Doneva R. , Wendelken A. , Möslein K. :Femininity as a value advantage in social innovation settings (2013 )Grafmüller L. , Habicht H. , Marheineke M. :Faktoren für einen erfolgreichen Bildungsexport: Eine Exploration in der Automobilindustrie (2013 )Brem A. , Büttner M. , Neubauer L. , Olschewski A. , Roth N. :B2B Produkt-Dienstleistungskombinationen: Kriterien einer erfolgreichen Einführung produktbegleitender Dienstleistungen bei Industriegütern 3 (2013 )Hofmann B. , Posselt T. , Fuhrmann O. , Roth A. :Service-Orientierung im Mittelstand (2012 )Bessant J. , Künne C. , Möslein K. :Opening Up Healthcare Innovation: Innovation solutions for a 21st century healthcare system (2012 ) URL: Danzinger F. , Dumbach M. , Sandig C. , Schmitt C. , Staples R. , Wabro S. , Wendelken A. :Offen, innovativ & wertschätzend im demo-grafischen Wandel (2012 ), p. 4-8 ISSN: 1866-4148 Langer M. , Danzinger F. , Möslein K. :Mehr als nur Innovation - Effekte von Innovation Communities auf Wissensmanagement und intergenerationale Lernprozesse (2012 )Naik HS. :Learning about organizational capabilities , structures and strategies from Virtual Gaming Teams In: Indian Institute of Management Bangalore (ed.): IIM Bangalore Research Paper , 2012 , p. 35 Staples R. , Sandig C. , Danzinger F. , Dumbach M. , Wendelken A. , Schmitt C. , Wabro S. :Grenzinnovator-Communities: Innovationstreiber im demografischen Wandel 5 (2012 )Danzinger F. , Dumbach M. , Sandig C. , Schmitt C. :Grenzinnovator-Communities: Innovationstreiber im demografischen Wandel (2012 )Möslein K. , Hallerstede S. :Die Fallstudie - Community-basierte Open Innovation In: wisu - Das Wirtschaftsstudium , 2012 , p. 966-968 Möslein K. , Danzinger F. :Auf der Suche nach dem Service-Innovator 1 (2012 ), p. 14-15 URL: Habicht H. , Möslein K. , Zwack T. :Open Innovation und Chancen für die Versicherungswirtschaft 1 (2011 ), p. 14–19 Velamuri V. , Ottacher G. , Möslein K. :Love Gone Awry: A.T. Kearney & EDS (A) & (B) (2010 )König A. , Dumbach M. :First Movers or Later Entrants? - A Cognitive Institutionalist Perspective on Technology Adoption Timing and Success (2010 )Reichwald R. , Möslein K. , Huff AS. , Kölling M. , Neyer AK. :Service Standardization In: CLIC Executive Briefing Note, No. 12 , 2009 Reichwald R. , Möslein K. , Huff AS. , Kölling M. , Neyer AK. :Service Markets (2009 )Reichwald R. , Möslein K. , Huff AS. , Kölling M. , Neyer AK. :Service in the Healthcare Sector (2009 )Reichwald R. , Möslein K. , Huff AS. , Kölling M. , Neyer AK. :Service Innovation in Education and Research In: CLIC Executive Briefing Note, No. 14 , 2009 Reichwald R. , Möslein K. , Huff AS. , Kölling M. , Neyer AK. :Service Individualization (2009 )Reichwald R. , Möslein K. , Huff AS. , Kölling M. , Neyer AK. :Service Engineering In: CLIC Executive Briefing Note, No. 10 , 2009 Bessant J. , Möslein K. , Neyer AK. , Piller F. , von Stamm B. :Radical Innovation: Making the right bets (2009 )Reichwald R. , Möslein K. , Kölling M. , Neyer AK. :Service-Standardisierung In: CLIC Executive Briefing Note, No. 4 , 2008 Reichwald R. , Möslein K. , Kölling M. , Neyer AK. :Service-Märkte In: CLIC Executive Briefing Note, No. 7 , 2008 Reichwald R. , Möslein K. , Kölling M. , Neyer AK. :Service-Innovation in Bildung und Forschung (2008 )Reichwald R. , Möslein K. , Kölling M. , Neyer AK. :Service-Innovation (2008 )ISSN: 1866-4148 Reichwald R. , Möslein K. , Kölling M. , Neyer AK. :Service-Individualisierung (2008 )Reichwald R. , Möslein K. , Kölling M. , Neyer AK. :Service im Gesundheitssektor (2008 )ISSN: 1866-4148 Reichwald R. , Kölling M. , Möslein K. , Neyer AK. :Service-Export 8 (2008 )Neyer AK. , Bullinger AC. , Möslein K. :Organizing for open innovation: Assessing the interplay of different types of innovators In: CLIC Working Paper , Leipzig : CLIC , 2008 URL: Möslein K. , Velamuri V. :Venture Creation in Watchmaking: The Case of A. Lange & Söhne (2007 )Möslein K. , Matthaei E. :Strategic Positioning in Biotech: The Case of VITA34 In: HHL Open School Case Book , 2007 Möslein K. , Velamuri V. :New Market Entry: How to Internationalize a Web 2.0 Firm (2007 )Möslein K. , Matthaei E. :Business Growth under Discontinuous Change: The Case of FIT (2007 )Hagenhoff S. , Schumann M. :Mediaconomy – Internetökonomie der Medienwirtschaft In: it - Information Technology 48 (2006 ), p. 218-224 ISSN: 1611-2776 DOI: 10.1524/itit.2006.48.4.218 Ortelbach B. , Seidenfaden L. , Hagenhoff S. , Schumann M. :Digitaler Videorekorder In: MedienWirtschaft 2 (2005 ), p. 14-19-19 ISSN: 1613-0669 DOI: 10.15358/1613-0669